Well I think I may have located the source of the trouble but 
it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and the Running 
qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created while logged in 
as root. That gives ownership to the user root in the group 
root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and users are added. The 
problem is that when I run linuxconf and look at the created 
users, I receive a warning that the home directory of /var/qmail 
has an invalid owner and group. Could this be the cause of my 
problems? I'm not exactly a newbie to file and directory 
permissions, but in reading all the qmail documentation I can 
lay my hands on I see nothing that indicates I need to change 
the ownership and group of /var/qmail from root/root. 
Nevertheless, linuxconf is whining and my compile goes nowhere, 
and this all smells like a permissions issue. 

I'm running Mandrake 8. 

Thanks for your patient help. 


> On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 02:43:15PM +1200, Steve Reed wrote:
> > So, I'm stumped.  Why is config (or config-fast) unhappy?
> Because it's expecting dirs and stuff in /var/qmail that 
aren't there.
> Run "strings - install | grep /" and look for a fully-
qualified path
> (ie. starting with a slash) that doesn't look system-related.  
In your
> case, since you didn't change conf-qmail, you should 
see /var/qmail.
> If you see something else instead, that's where all your qmail 
stuff got
> installed -- all you gotta do is figure out why it went 
there.  8-)
> - Adrian

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