On Wednesday, March 23 at 08:09 AM, quoth Valerio Granato:
> >Personally, I construct it with procmail. So, my .qmail files 
> >contain:
> >Hope that helps,
> It's very useful, thanks :-)
> I'll use it on some servers, but adds overhead and I think I cannot use
> it on two servers that process more than one email per second.

Since you're passing it off to spamc, I really highly doubt that the 
extra overhead of passing it to procmail or some shell script is even 1% 
of the time it takes to deliver mail. You'd get the same additional 
overhead in delivering mail if SpamAssassin released another 10 rules to 
check. If your servers can handle the load of passing it to spamc, 
waiting 2.6 seconds for all the DNS queries, complex hashes, and fancy 
regular expressions to be computed, then I'd be very impressed if they 
couldn't handle the 0.01 seconds it takes to load up a shell-script and 
run "tr" twice.

Additionally, the ideas there I think you can still use. For example, 
you could make --enable-spam-command look something like this, too:

  |spamc -u "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" | maildir /.../vpop/domains/$USER/$EXT/Maildir/

And then those envariables would get properly handled every time. The 
only downside is that people can send email to, for example, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and this maildir program (part of safecat, I presume?) will complain 
because you only have a user directory, not a USER directory (same for 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]). That's why I suggested using tr. You can actually do that 
inline, by replacing the $EXT part with `echo $EXT | tr A-Z a-z` in your 
.qmail file.

> My idea was to set spam-command using a template and then let
> qmailadmin write the correct spam-command in .qmail files.
> But I'm not a C programmer, so I don't know how to write a text
> substitution function. What do you think about this?

Personally? I think if you're running spamc, the tiny amount of extra 
overhead to parse the environment variables properly is going to be 
inconsequential. But since you're dead-set to change qmailAdmin to do 
it, it's obviously possible. I just think it's completely unnecessary.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation
with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What
we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives
every thing its value.
-- Thomas Paine

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