Worked for me too. It's nice when things work as they should, isn't it?

lordfuknowsyou wrote:
> All Done :)
> Indeed it was the conflict between yum and cpan. Successfully updated now.
> As for the unionfs sandbox, that was my brain leaking, I had the wrong
> dev headers installed, once I sorted that out it worked like a champ.

Yeah, the error messages in this area aren't real specific about what the
problem is. You need to make sure that you have the kernel-devel package
installed for the kernel that's currently running. It'd be nice to improve
error detection in a future release.

> Many Thanks. Hope this helps someone else.

Likewise. And kudos to Justice London for doing the lions share of the work
developing the unionfs capabilities for qtp-newmodel. It absolutely
minimizes the disk space requirements of the sandbox, and virtually
eliminates the time it takes creating the sandbox (except the first time
it's used for a given kernel version, when it needs to build the kernel module).

-Eric 'shubes'

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