lordfuknowsyou wrote:
> Hello and thanks for your response. I am sorry I wasn't more verbose in
> my explanation.
> I gleaned that error from tail -f
> /mnt/qtp-sandbox/usr/src/qtp-upgrade/log/build-recent.log during a bed
> the other night. If it wasn't that log specifically I know it was a log
> associated with the qtp-newmodel process because I was instructed to do
> just that by an interactive process.
> I have updated, about 2 minutes after the email was sent out  :].
> After an upgrade(of toaster through yum), reboot, a new non linked, non
> unioned(errors on that) sandbox.

It'd be nice to know what error(s) you received using the unioned sandbox so
it can be fixed. Please include the results of
# uname -a
# rpm -qa | grep kernel
with your description of the problem.

> I now receive new build errors, again gleaned from the above tail command.
> tail -f /mnt/qtp-sandbox/usr/src/qtp-upgrade/log/build-recent.log
> + rm -rf Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.4
> + exit 0
> Installing spamassassin-toaster-3.2.4-1.3.13 in the sandbox ...
> error: Failed dependencies:
>        perl(Archive::Tar) >= 1.23 is needed by
> spamassassin-toaster-3.2.4-1.3.13.i686
>        perl(HTML::Parser) >= 3.43 is needed by
> spamassassin-toaster-3.2.4-1.3.13.i686
>        perl(IO::Zlib) >= 1.04 is needed by
> spamassassin-toaster-3.2.4-1.3.13.i686
>    Suggested resolutions:
> /home/buildcentos/CENTOS/en/4.0/i386/CentOS/RPMS/perl-Archive-Tar-1.30-1.el4.noarch.rpm
> /home/buildcentos/CENTOS/en/4.0/i386/CentOS/RPMS/perl-IO-Zlib-1.04-4.2.el4.noarch.rpm

I know now where these are coming from, because I tried an upgrade last
night too and received these identical errors.

> I have not tried the suggested resolutions, because that still leaves me
> with an out of date parser.

I did a yum install of perl-Archive-Tar and perl-IO-Zlib and that fixed
those deps, but you're absolulely correct about the Parser package.

I have:
# perl -MHTML::Parser -e 'print "$HTML::Parser::VERSION\n"'
# rpm -q perl-HTML-Parser

So perl "thinks" the package is up to date and so does yum, yet they're
reporting different versions. There appears to be a contradiction here.

> # rpm -qa perl
> perl-5.8.5-36.el4_5.2

I have:
# rpm -q perl

> I appreciate any suggestions. Many Thanks In Advance.

So, where to go from here? Looking at rpmforge, I see that they have an rpm
for (the latest) perl-HTML-Parser-3.56. If one was in a real hurry, you might:
# rpm -Uvh \

However, I'd like to have the rpmforge packages available to yum in the
future, so I:

# cd
# wget \
# rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm
# yum -y perl-HTML-Parser

That installed perl-HTML-Parser-3.56 from rpmforge, putting rpm back in sync
with CPAN:
# rpm -q perl-HTML-Parser

So I'm proceeding to rerun qtp-newmodel, building a new sandbox (again -
that unionfs feature is sweet when it works). I'm guessing that it'll all
work this time. I'll keep you posted.

-Eric 'shubes'

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