Well all,

After doing everything in here except the firewall rules and with the
reordering of the RBL's server loads are 1.14, 1.37, 1.46.  They seem to
be staying that way consistently only time will tell though.  If things
kick up a little I will drop the Firewall rules in. 

I want to say thanks to everyone for the help.  The Dups seem to have
stopped as well. 

This is my server 
Intel xeon Dual cpu 3.2ghz 6 gigs of ram with 500 gig scsi drives. 

I have almost 2000 email accounts on 3 domains and this box also does
mail cleaning for a fourth. 

Thank you very much 


On Fri, 2008-05-23 at 10:50 -0700, Dairenn Lombard wrote:
> Hi Kyle,
> We have the same issue with our toasters.
> The long and short of it is, try to keep your total mail users under
> about 1,000 (this usually works out to about 100-200 domains).  Anything
> over that, and you should deploy another mail server.
> When a remote SMTP server connects to your Qmail Toaster and delivers a
> message, it is timing out awaiting for Qmail to send back an
> acknowledgement it got your message, because, for some weird reason,
> Qmail waits until after simscan has finished processing (which itself is
> waiting for clamav and spamassassin to do the actual processing) before
> returning such an acknowledgement.
> Several other things can cause duplicates too like POP3 clients leaving
> a copy of mail messages on the server and then losing track of what it's
> already downloaded (a common scenario when the client has to go through
> a local anti-virus application on the mail user's computer).  But also,
> bad .qmail files in the user's vpopmail directory can cause delivery to
> happen two times.
> That's easy to fix.  What's not easy is taming spamassassin and clamav.
> We have had to do a lot of work--a lot more than I feel we should have
> had to for a proported out-of-the-box solution--to keep spamassassin and
> clamav from killing your mail server...
> First of all, throttle SMTP traffic with iptables to prevent excessive
> connections (and resultant spamd/clamd instances) in the first place:
> -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 25 -m
> recent --set
> -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 25 -m
> recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 12 -j DROP
> (works in typical CentOS/RedHat /etc/sysconfig/iptables files)
> Then, SERIOUSLY change how spamd starts and runs:
> /var/qmail/supervise/spamd/run:
> #!/bin/sh
> exec /bin/nice --adjustment=20 /usr/bin/spamd -m 4 --max-children=2
> --max-conn-per-child=15 -l -L -x -u vpopmail -s stderr 2>&1
> Tweak /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf:
> ok_locales all
> skip_rbl_checks 0
> rbl_timeout     5
> required_hits 5
> report_safe 0
> rewrite_header Subject ***SPAM***
> use_pyzor 1
> # Use for any MTA servers from which you want to trust will not spam
> you, such as another server in your
> # own network.
> # trusted_networks
> # If you use Postini, uncomment this line:
> # trusted_networks
> use_auto_whitelist 0
> use_bayes 1
> use_bayes_rules 1
> bayes_auto_learn 1
> bayes_auto_expire 1
> bayes_expiry_max_db_size 18750
> # Inserted to ignore all mail from Postini, if you use it, and pass it
> on unmodified
> # This should lessen our overall load.
> bayes_ignore_header X-pstn-levels
> Make sure to be running THE most current version of SpamAssassin and
> ClamAV (SpamAssassin in particular is exceedingly buggy, and they're
> constantly fixing it all the time).  This may require you to install or
> upgrade a variety of perl modules (get comfortable with using CPAN).
> As for ClamAV?  Well, here's what we do in /etc/clamd.conf:
> PhishingSignatures no 
> PhishingScanURLs no 
> ScanHTML no
> MaxScanSize 1M
> MaxFileSize 1M
> Changes to spamd or clamd configuration files need a svc -d and then svc
> -u from the /var/qmail/supervise directory (i.e., svc -d spamd).
> /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming is set to something reasonable
> for a 2.4GHz P4 with 1GB of RAM, 100 - concurrencyremote is 300 and
> concurrencylocal is 200
> We set /var/qmail/control/databytes to 20 MB (this is industry standard
> anyway).
> Changing these files will require a HUP of qmail-smtpd (service qmail
> restart does this).
> We use the following simcontrol file (so that these files, if attached
> to incoming e-mail, don't even get delivered, saving clamd the trouble
> of even having to run):
> :clam=yes,spam=yes,spam_hits=12,attach=.ade:.adp:.app:.asd:.asx:.bas:.ba
> t:.bin:.chm:.cil:.cla:.class:.cmd:.com:.cpl:.crt:.csh:.dll:.dot:.email:.
> eml:.exe:.fxp:.hlp:.hta:.inf:.ins:.isp:.js:.jse:.ksh:.lnk:.mda:.mdb:.mde
> :.mdt:.mdw:.mdz:.mpe:.msc:.msi:.msp:.mst:.nws:.ocx:.ops:.pcd:.pif:.pl:.p
> m:.pot:.prf:.prg:.ps:.reg:.scf:.scr:.sct:.shb:.shm:.shs:.url:.vb:.vbe:.v
> bs:.vxd:.wmd:.wmf:.wms:.wmz:.wsc:.wsf:.wsh:.wsz:.xsl:.xlt:.xlw
> Be sure to run qmailctl cdb to rehash the simcontrol.cdb file.
> Finally, we've decided to not allow catch-all aliases.  This has been
> the single biggest helpful thing we have done to resolve high load
> issues on our mail servers.  I can't tell you how badly your mail server
> can get beat up by a domain catch-all accepting loads of spam.  (Just
> look at your MRTG or ISOQLOG pages, and you'll see what I mean.)  So,
> you'll want to set catchall to BOUNCE (not delete, because it goes
> through the ENTIRE process of accepting an e-mail before finally
> realizing it should be deleted).  Here's a way to do this to the entire
> mail server:
> Make a file called .qmail-default in /usr/local/etc that looks like
> this:
> | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox
> Then run this command:
> find /home/vpopmail/domains -name ".qmail-default" -type f -exec /bin/cp
> -rp /usr/local/etc/.qmail-default {} \;
> I was able to get mail servers running loads in excess of 7-14 down to a
> nominal average of .55 (on servers running 700-900 domains or over 2,000
> mailboxes), and I've been able to get the queues down from an average of
> hundreds of messages to dozens.
> Do these things at your own risk.  I Rarely check this mailing list so
> definitely test, experiment and investigate these settings on a
> NON-production server first before trying it out on a mail server you
> have any paying customers use.  If it works out for you, and I sincerely
> hope it does, please pass on the knowledge.
> regards,
> Dairenn Lombard
> BroadSpire, Inc.
> Linux Engineer, Systems Administration Dept.
> -----------------------------
> Hosting | Colocation | Design
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kyle Quillen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 9:33 AM
> > To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
> > Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Load balancing
> > 
> > 
> > Spamdyke is installed and has been for about a week It has 
> > seemed to help but my loads are still staying around 3.5-4.5
> > 
> > The largest problem that I have right now is that users are 
> > getting duplicate emails and I can't figure out how to stop it. 
> > 
> > Since I implemented the greylisting things seem to be calming 
> > a little bit but the dups are still coming in. I have gotten 
> > multiple copies of emails that were sent yesterday  at like 
> > 1030 in the am and i did get them.
> > 
> > Suggestions?
> > 
> > 
> > thanks
> > q
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Fri, 2008-05-23 at 08:51 -0700, Eric Shubert wrote:
> > > Kyle Quillen wrote:
> > > > All,
> > > > 
> > > > Does anyone have any resources that I can pull from that 
> > will point 
> > > > me in the direction of setting up load balancing with the 
> > toaster?  
> > > > I want to keep using this mail server but I have to find a way to 
> > > > deal with the large amount of mail that I am having to 
> > process.  It 
> > > > is mostly spam so maybe what I am looking for is a spam 
> > scanning system.
> > > > 
> > > > Thoughts?
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Spamdyke.
> > > Do it.
> > > 
> > -- 
> > Thanks,
> > Kyle Quillen
> > Lightspeed Wireless
> > 330.473.1231 ext.202
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Kyle Quillen
Lightspeed Wireless
330.473.1231 ext.202

     QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted <http://www.vr.org>
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