Il 06/02/2012 18:49, Eric Shubert ha scritto:
On 02/06/2012 10:21 AM, John Raley wrote:
One of my clients is moving from a Qmailtoaster server (setup by me) to
Exchange 2010 and has tasked me to perform the migration for them. The
problem I am having is that I have to manually change their Outlook
settings in order to switch them to their Exchange accounts. I need to
move the users over in groups and only a few at a time. I have tried
deleting their accounts on the Qmail server and their new emails show up
on their Exchange account.

How did you manage this?

The problem I have is that users still on the
Qmail server cannot send email to users that have already moved to the
Exchange server and vice versa.

Thoughts or suggestions on how to accomplish this?

I don't know of a way for a single domain to be split across two servers. Other than creating a subdomain to act as a bridge between the two servers (which I'm not entirely sure how that would work), I think your best approach is probably to get all the accounts over to Exchange asap.

I think it should work if you could use two subdomains.
- sub1 on qmail
- sub2 on exchange

alias sub1 to on qmail
alias sub2 to on exchange

any account moved away from qmail should still exist on qmail, with a forward -> any account still working on qmail should have a forward on exchange -> (if you can tell exchange to send mail for unkown recipients of domain to qmail you can avoid these forwards).



You have my sympathies.

        Inter@zioni            Interazioni di Antonio Nati

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