On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 7:08 AM, Coda Highland <c...@bobandgeorge.com> wrote:
>>> I can't imagine why Creator couldn't guess at a default value anyway;
>>> just ask QThreadPool what the ideal number of threads is. :P
>> Actually I can't imagine why make couldn't guess at a default value by 
>> checking the number of cores :P
>> (Our little project ibjom, a replacement for nmake on Windows, does exactly 
>> that.)
> But isn't that what QThread::idealThreadCount() DOES? :P

I see I misread what you said. No, actually, make probably can't do
that. I've seen way too many projects that don't have the dependency
tracking set up right that fail when parallel builds are in use, which
is probably enough to make the GNU folks refuse to make the default
behavior incompatible.

/s/ Adam
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