LOL John.  You ARE my kind of Quad.  If you got a boring stories, give the 
what they want to hear.  Make'em crawl and cry, then bring out the cup, lol.
Still looking for the most inventing story, lol.

In a message dated 8/2/05 6:05:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I find it boring to keep repeating a story about a car wreck I don't  

remember. I enjoy making up more exciting stories. The adults seem to love 
the  one 

where I fell from a 7th floor window while hiding from a woman's  husband. 

I have told people that I'm highly contagious and unfortunately, It's  too  

late, they were exposed when I said "hello'. People are obviously more  like 

herd animals than predators. They really aren't particularly smart.


john >>

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