Whew!!! We seem to have ignited a fire! These guys sure have balls.........or a missing brain! Unbelievable!

From: "QuadPirate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "QuadPirate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <quad-list@eskimo.com>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Comfort Direct
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 15:29:23 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)

OMG!! I'm on there too giving a testimonial!
I was checking to read yours and there's me.
It's not me either!'

I'm employed by the State of Arkansas and I injured my spine during work.
The State offers a program of rehabilitation and provides physical therapy
products such as orthopedic mattresses. I was fortunate to receive the SAT
Self Adjusting Technology Mattress for my home and it provides wonderful
support for my back in addition to being extremely comfortable."
Mark Jackson
Haskell, AR
I'm not employed by the state and the pic isn't me either!
I'm pissed that's a bunch of bull. I bought one this year and the rehab that bought is giving a testimonial also and I bet Chet Stuart my rehab counselor
doesn't know either and I'm calling him to find out.
We might have a lawsuit on our hands.


-------Original Message-------

Date: 04/04/06 12:30:39
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [QUAD-L] Comfort Direct

LOL.  I couldn't help it.  I had to go to the website and see for myself.
Yes, I check the testamonials and saw quite a list of professional listed
with their personal comments.  I shutter to think what anyone of them would
say or do if they are listed without their permission or consent.  They are
doctors, nurses, reseachers, government officials and I also saw Teddy
Pendergrass, the singer.  I'll bet that he is getting his money up front
before he allowed them to post that with his picture.

Maybe none of them gave their permission and are not aware of the fact
Comfort Drect is listed as a member and supportor of the BBB and they also
displayed the NBC logo on their site.  I wonder if everyone knows that or
has approved its use on the website.

Should be interesting..... should be very interesting.

In a message dated 4/4/2006 8:38:14 AM Central Standard Time, wheelchair
In a message dated 4/4/2006 8:33:02 AM Central Standard Time,
Has anyone here had dealings with Comfort-direct? They sell the mattress
advertised as "Christopher Reeves' mattress. I bought one from them 2 yrs.
ago and have been pretty much satisfied with it.
However, two people have called me this week to ask about the mattress. It
seems they got my name  from the testamonials section of the web site. I
knew nothing of this. I looked it up, and there I am.....a lengthy
testamonial beside a picture of me. Trouble is, I did not write it and the
picture is not me. One of the callers said they were listed in a bogus
testimony as well. What is the group's opinion of this?  Larry Willis

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