At 08:34 PM 7/22/2006 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:
>Innocent people are not purposely being targeted to be killed. At least not by 
>U.S. military. The U.S. military uses every option available to avoid killing 
>innocent people.   

???? You're kidding, right? How many times on the news have we heard that 'The 
US bombed a 'suspected' terrorist (house, car, etc.) killing everyone inside' 
innocent or not. The sad fact is we invaded Iraq for no reason. Over 2,500 US 
solders dead and 100,000 Iraqis dead. 'Bring em on'. If we were invaded by a 
foreign country how would you feel? And don't tell me Saddam was an evil 
dictator. There are many countries ruled by far worse than he.

Dan V 

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