Did you look at the videos on the website?  They explain how to use it
somewhat.  Basically I hit a button on my head rest and then put my head in
the neutral position.  This sets neutral.  From there if I tilt my chin
down, the wheelchair will move forward.  If I tilt my head to the left or
right it turns in that direction.  Of course you can also tilt your head
forward and to the left to make a turn.

To go backward you tilt your head backward, but I like to think of it as
lifting my chin up.  The hardest thing for me to get use to was if I set my
head in a different position, the chair drives faster or slower.  At first
this is a detriment, but later when you get used to it you can tilt your
head backward while setting it so you can drive outside without having to
tilt your head too far forward.

Like I said, it's a learning process.  I was using Peachtree for 14 years
and it has been a pretty big transition.  I feel pretty comfortable now
going out, but it has taken me about six weeks to get that way.  And I still
make mistakes, but they're not as bad as they were at first.

Programming is also pretty vital.  It was extremely difficult because I
thought I had a particular grasp of how to drive it, so I was having them
set the program in a certain way only to discover I was setting it based on
a different neutral position.

Hopefully you can make heads or tails out of this.
PS hopefully there aren't too many errors.  I'm having trouble with my voice
cracking today and NaturallySpeaking doesn't like it very much.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Joan Anglin <poaj...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

>  I just spent some time looking at Magitek.  I know nothing about this,
> and their website does not show how it is used.  Would you mind explaining
> how it works and how you utilize it?  I notice the website is woefully not
> up to date.  J
> I sometimes complain that my neck and shoulders hurt, and why does it have
> to be the part that I feel that hurts-course the rest of my body might hurt
> worse when I just can’t feel it.  LOL
> Joan
> In the reno’s very undecided spring weather-75 yesterday, 46 for Wednesday
> and snow how great it is!

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