My sphincter is completely removed. I wore a external condom for over 30yrs, 
could no longer void my bladder. This led to hydronephrosis, which almost 
caused my kidneys to shut down. I started intermittent cath. 4 times a 
day, but this caused numerous infections. Dr recommended a sphincterotomy, 
unfortunately I still could not void enough, so came the foley.        

 From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] AD

Interesting challenge Blackwood.  What is the condition of your 
sphincter?  Is it intact and does it flex or rigid?
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/12/2013 5:42:15 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Once every 4 weeks. Started about a year ago.
> From: nichole rohling  <>
>To: 'Mike Mills'  <>; "Quad-List@Eskimo. Com"  
>Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 3:01  PM
>Subject: RE: [QUAD-L]  AD
>How  often do you have to change your catheter? 
>From:Mike Mills  [] 
>Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 8:14  AM
>To: nichole rohling;; Quad-List@Eskimo.  Com
>Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] AD
>If I ever get to  the point were my Foley needs removing, I would need to see 
>my Uro. in order  to replace it. Due to Urethral Sphincterotomy, I now have 
>some type of  blockage (stricture). In order to replace Foley; a metal rod is 
>inserted into  Foley, then slide into bladder with some force and a twist, 
>leaving me  bleeding and stinging. Its not as bad as it sounds, but something 
>else will  need to be done.
>From:nichole rohling <>
>To:; "Quad-List@Eskimo. Com" <> 
>Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 7:08 PM
>Subject: RE:  [QUAD-L] AD
>I’m tellin’ you, I really was thinking I was going to  stroke out! I would get 
>severe AD in the first year and the it just has always  been mild. I still 
>have a bit of a headache and it’s been over 5 ½ hours  ago.
>Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy!
> [] 
>Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 5:51 PM
>Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] AD
>Whew! I can feel your misery, Nikki. There is nothing  else in the world like 
>it. Take care of yourself. Our old puny bodies can't  take much of that.
>Sent from my iPad
>Begin forwarded message:
>>From: "nichole rohling" <>
>>Date: March 11, 2013, 3:28:18 PM EDT
>>To: "Quad-List@Eskimo. Com" <>
>>Subject: [QUAD-L] AD
>Wow! Nothing like a big dose of AD to start my week  off.  
>>My catheter has been stopping up so I went to dr 8  weeks ago (I’m sure I 
>>have a bladder stone).  He ordered CT scan and  I’ve had to reschedule it 3 
>>times in 6 weeks because of weather, getting it  done tomorrow (thank God).  
>>My home health nurse told me not long ago  that when my cath stops up have 
>>someone remove it until she gets here and  urine will flow out.  Normally, 
>>(over the course of the last almost 15  yrs) urine spasms out around cath so 
>>I have never done that.  UNTIL  TODAY! Urine wasn’t leaking out, I was having 
>>spasms in my back, face and  neck were fire engine red, my head was POUNDING. 
>> I thought “here we  go, I’m gonna have a stroke” before she gets here! Then 
>>I remembered, get  the catheter out! My mom was able to get it out and sure 
>>enough, urine  leaked out. Hated to pee in my pants but when AD is that 
>>bad……….it really  didn’t matter!
>>Just wanted to share that if no urine is leaking out  remove the catheter 
>>because it’s stopping up the body’s natural route for  urine to come out! May 
>>have saved me from stroking out  today!!

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