Nan, I think you and I are the senior members here, and everything you said is 
right on. Besides all the particular health issues, I just plain ol' don't feel 
good. Weak, lifeless, hurt everywhere. My first waking hour is just misery. 
Until 2010 I got up everyday at 5:30, taught school till 3:30, and did this for 
31 years as a quad. I don't think I could do one day now. I used to drive to 
Cincinnati, Nashville, Louisville with no problem. Now I struggle to drive to 
the Kroger store. I get tired brushing my teeth! Growing old is not for cowards 
and wimps, that's for sure.

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Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From:
> From: Ed Tessier <>
> Date: November 3, 2014 at 10:44:42 PM EST
> To: Nan <>
> Cc: Don Smith <>, greg <>, 
> "" <>
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] I am shriveling up
>  I was injured in 1984, age almost 17. I'm 47 now. I think my disability is 
> harder to manage now, even with all of these years of experience, then it was 
> 10 or 20 years ago. Back then, I could have a problem, identify a solution, 
> and move on. Now, it's harder to read what's happening to me physically. 
> Worse, is that my health is now a moving target. As I age my disability 
> changes, requiring different equipment, different routines, different 
> expectations. Staying active and healthy is now, at the least, a part-time 
> job.
>> On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Nan <> wrote:
>> Just wait until you're in your 60's! 
>> Seriously, I hear you Bobbie, Larry, et al.  I am 62 and my accident was 46 
>> years ago.  I used to be able to 
>> do SO much more than I can now.  The most debilitating "conditions" 
>> affecting me now are scoliosis and 
>> edema/lymphedema in my feet.
>> My only advice is to the "younger" (age + years post injury) quads - address 
>> these kind of problems before they occur.  Be hyper vigilant - listen to the 
>> older quads and try to be proactive.   Get a podiatrist if you don't have 
>> one. Address edema early - use compression stockings and use products that 
>> will keep your skin supple.  Be aware of how you sit ...  if you start to 
>> see curvature of your spine, address it immediately.  Don't ignore "little" 
>> things - often they will only get worse with time.  I wish I'd had older 
>> quads to listen to when I was younger - I always thought I could handle 
>> anything on my own.  I was wrong!
>> Nan
>> On Sunday, November 2, 2014 12:33 AM, Don Smith <> wrote:
>> I was injured in 88 and turned 50 this year, I have pretty much the same 
>> issues as you.  Just bcuz we're quads don't exempt us from aging.
>> Don in Calif.
>> On Saturday, November 1, 2014 5:47 PM, greg <> wrote:
>> I was injured in 1982. I am 50 now. My age is catching up on me pretty fast.
>> My feet swell and my toes like to curl up. My nails don't curl, but they are 
>> very thick. I try spreading my toes out, but they just pop back. I went 
>> years without lateral supports, so my spine is now curving bit. My eyes are 
>> getting worse. Things use to pop up often, and I haven't noticed it do that 
>> for a long time. And now I seem to have grown a 2nd chin/neck.
>> Greg
>> > I am 42 years post now and and starting to shrivel up. It started
>> > with atrophy and my legs are getting very skinny. Then the
>> > scoliosis on my back where I lean over toward my left.
>> > I went to my podiatrist and he said I have bad foot drop and my
>> > toes are curling up on one foot and so are my toenails.
>> > It seems like the only place I am not shriveling, or curling, as my
>> > quad gut.
>> >
>> > Are any of the other "older quads" experiencing what I am? Bobbie
>> >
>> > Smile Everyday

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