On Wed, 22 Jun 2016, Lou Berger wrote:

It would be good to get your input into these discussions, as based on reading the list it seems there is general agreement that the status quo needs to change.

We need to get that backlog cleared out. That's causing major friction. And the way to get that done is just to go at it till it's done.

Any other issues become much easier to deal with when that's no longer hanging over us. Indeed, if stuff gets reviewed, and then integrated|pushed-back in a timely manner, that'll satisfy most people. Indeed, late last year we actually _were_ staying on top of the /new/ contributions. Patchwork was at least 'caught' up in the forward direction. So, there's hope there.

However, that process broke down apparently because of the back log.


- We deal with the back log

  - Not by just ignoring comments and issues, but just working through

- Then we get back to optimising integration

  - I don't know about Vincent (or gdt, but Greg's been quiet recently),
    however, while I will take all comments on board I will value the
    comments the highest of those contributors who help the most. I.e.:

    - Those who do their best to make contributions easier to review,
      particularly more complex ones, with _good_ commit messages about
      the approach and any arch. issues, and who provide a decent map of
      the intended changes.

    - Those whose approach to comments on nits and architecture and what
      not is to just address them by making the change or through
      persuasion by constructive discussion.

  - I'd be minded to trial some tracker tools to use alongside git. The
    easiest one would be to use the git bugzilla tools, and require that
    contributions come with a bugzilla ID to act as a stable ID, to
    facilitate submitting updated revisions, to track any patchwork
    URIs, etc., but we can see.

    There's also Gerrit, but I use it elsewhere and it's far from
    perfect. Nothing is, of course, however Gerrit demands complete
    submission - risky.

  - There's scope for automating some things that'd help with

  - We need more people to help with integration. The rounds cycle
    and the 'roundskeeper' (or whatever) should be a role that:

    - Is carried out fairly objectively and brainlessly (other than
      dealing with merge issues ;) ) - that's both in terms of being
      objective about queueing stuff up, but also in terms of applying
      established standards.

    - Is rotated frequently

    It involves being very comfortable with git, with rebasing, and with
    figuring out how to deal with merge issues (fixing particularly).

Get the backlog done. Get back to the place we'd gotten to late last year, with the incoming stuff being dealt with too. Everyone will be a lot happier, and it'll be a lot easier to sort out the remaining stuff.

Paul Jakma | p...@jakma.org | @pjakma | Key ID: 0xD86BF79464A2FF6A
I don't remember it, but I have it written down.

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