On Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 11:24:22 AM UTC+1, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
> After doing the most recent qubes-dom0-update from the testing repository, 
> all RPC calls from one VM to another stopped working. Calls from dom0 still 
> works fine.
> By "not working" I mean that the call to qrexec-client-vm gives me a "Request 
> refused".
> This includes calls to qvm-copy as well, since it uses the qubes.Filecopy RPC 
> call.
> Is this a known problem?
> Regards,
> Elias

I can semi-reproduce it yes, I was not aware of it before seeing your post 

-- Tested -- 
qvm-move-to-vm (worked fine)
qvm-open-in-dvm (worked fine)
qvm-copy-to-vm (failed with a freeze)

-- Behaviour -- 
The File manager (Nautilus) froze when it failed. Nothing else stopped working 
in the AppVM, it was only Nautilus that frooze. I could stop the pending 
sending window, not a problem, but it probably kept pending since Nautilus 
frooze? Essentially it seems like this *bug* is causing Nautilus to freeze up. 
The target AppVM had no issues, it remained stable.

-- Environment -- 
Target and receiving AppVM's had same template, Fedora-26.
Updates on current-testing (both dom0 and template).
Tested with GUI right clicking, did not verify with the terminal counterparts.

Do you see the Nautilus freezing too Elias? or is this just my machine doing 
It seems qvm-copy-to-vm in Fedora is broken at least, since we both had issues 
with that one.

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