I'm reporting some user experience tests for fedora 25 template (ref.
issue mentioned in subject).

I updated a fedora 24 template with many customizations on it, bringing
it to f25 via DNF and enabling qubes-vm-r3.2-current-testing repo.

Environment: Qubes R3.2 fully updated, i3WM as window manager.

Mindset: upgrading my AppVMs, and in the meanwhile helping with issue
#2455, with specific attention to graphical/GUI issues (because of
recent Fedora switch to Wayland, which Qubes does not support, as
mentioned by marmarek on said issue).

# dnf --releasever=25 --enablerepo=qubes-vm-r3.2-current-testing update

The upgrade process was smooth, took 4 hours overall (I was working
during the process, so this may have slowed it down) and template size
(after trim) increased slightly from 8.46GB to 8.57GB (not bad!). The
repos for torproject don't have fc25 as an available release yet...

As far as I am concerned, these were the measured facts:
- many AppVMs started just fine after changing the template in their
settings from fedora 24 to fedora 25.
- firefox, thunderbird and libreoffice work just fine. Firefox can play
youtube videos without delays, glitches nor jitter.
- pinta (graphic manipulation program) works ok
- Android studio works ok
- gnome-terminal, xterm and urxvt all work with their customizations
- Android emulator (emulating ARM processor, so it's normally slow)
works exactly as before
- Monodevelop works ok
- window resizing works ok, both dragging corners (for floating windows)
and splitting monitors in various ways (i3wm is a tiling window manager).

Now for more unsolicited input, but trying to be as specific as I can be
- please note that I don't fully understand the working of Qubes-GUID (I
never studied it, until now :)
- One AppVM with a lot of installed software took a couple of tries to
correctly start. The first time the start failed with "qrexec daemon not
running", and in guid log I found a long list of "invalid PMaxSize for
0x2000001d (32767/32767)" and so on. Cannot reproduce this problem.
- Qubes-GUID crashed in one AppVM as soon as I started monodevelop the
first time. Cannot reproduce this problem either. Error in guid log was:

ErrorHandler: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)
                 Major opcode: 130 (MIT-SHM)
                 Minor opcode: 1 (X_ShmAttach)
                 ResourceID:   0x2000054
                 Failed serial number:  3670
                 Current serial number: 3671

may be related to the fact that monodevelop shows and hides many windows
in rapid sequence when starting?

Overall the switch was good. I'll report further problems should they
arise. Thank you for your work, let me know if I can help more.


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