On 11/26/2016 11:59 PM, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki wrote:
> In addition to this, all automatic tests also passes, so basic
> things like DispVM, NetVM etc should work.
They do, for me too :) I just forgot to mention them :D

>> Now for more unsolicited input, but trying to be as specific as I
>> can be - please note that I don't fully understand the working of
>> Qubes-GUID (I never studied it, until now :) - One AppVM with a lot
>> of installed software took a couple of tries to correctly start.
>> The first time the start failed with "qrexec daemon not running",
>> and in guid log I found a long list of "invalid PMaxSize for 
>> 0x2000001d (32767/32767)" and so on. Cannot reproduce this
>> problem.
> This particular message shouldn't be a problem, probably the reason
> is somewhere else. Do you still have the last message of the log?
I'm sorry, but I was in a semi-hurry and did not keep the logs. My
plan-B was to restore everything from a backup in case the upgrade
produced some catastrophic situation, and since a mere VM reboot fixed
the situation, I did not keep the logs but only some fragments I deemed
important. My bad.

>> - Qubes-GUID crashed in one AppVM as soon as I started monodevelop
>> the first time. Cannot reproduce this problem either. Error in guid
>> log was:
>> ErrorHandler: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource
>> denied) Major opcode: 130 (MIT-SHM) Minor opcode: 1 (X_ShmAttach) 
>> ResourceID:   0x2000054 Failed serial number:  3670 Current serial
>> number: 3671
>> may be related to the fact that monodevelop shows and hides many
>> windows in rapid sequence when starting?
> Yes, it may be. Very similar error (#2171) was already fixed some
> time ago, but apparently not all the cases. Anyway it's rather
> problem in gui-daemon, independent of Fedora version.
It may be nice to have a fallback handler for qubes-guid crashes, if the
X architecture permits, that restarts the daemon and restores windows
redirection to dom0. After the crash I could check programs were running
inside the VM (via qvm-run) but no window could be seen in dom0. It was
not a pleasant situation :/ A simple recovery-by-restart may help a lot
with the user experience in such cases...


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