On 11/28/2016 11:05 AM, Foppe de Haan wrote:
> I ran into a weird (and not consistently reproducible) issue with my
> 2-monitor setup (UHD main screen + FHD secondary) adjusting the
> 'display' settings (changing the alignment of the 2 monitors). When I
> 'moved' the FHD screen from right of the upper right quad of my UHD
> screen, to 'below' the lower left quad, and then left of the upper
> left quadrant, but not aligned with the top border (about 300px
> lower), then to roughly vertically 'centered' of the right, I could
> no longer click on any of the buttons / tabs at the top of my firefox
> instance (which is snapped to use the left half of my UHD monitor),
> and the mouse 'clicked' in different spots than where the cursor was
> located. I had to restart the VM to 'fix' this. Happened twice, but
> not since.
This used to happen to me too, when the VM was started with a screen
geometry and then I changed attaching a new monitor. This could be
caused by old versions of qubes, which had an arbitrary fixed monitor size.

But this is a thread on the upgrade of templates to fedora 25 and
related feedback; please report the version of Qubes you are using, and
the template. Also, if your problem does not belong to the topic, please
open another (write at the e-mail address a new mail with a specific
subject, don't just reply to other e-mails).


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