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On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 04:13:48PM +0100, Alex wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm reporting some user experience tests for fedora 25 template (ref.
> issue mentioned in subject).
> I updated a fedora 24 template with many customizations on it, bringing
> it to f25 via DNF and enabling qubes-vm-r3.2-current-testing repo.
> Environment: Qubes R3.2 fully updated, i3WM as window manager.
> Mindset: upgrading my AppVMs, and in the meanwhile helping with issue
> #2455, with specific attention to graphical/GUI issues (because of
> recent Fedora switch to Wayland, which Qubes does not support, as
> mentioned by marmarek on said issue).

Thanks! I was planning to send a little announcement asking for testing
today/tomorrow, but I guess you read my mind ;) I've uploaded packages
to repository just today...

> # dnf --releasever=25 --enablerepo=qubes-vm-r3.2-current-testing update
> The upgrade process was smooth, took 4 hours overall (I was working
> during the process, so this may have slowed it down) and template size
> (after trim) increased slightly from 8.46GB to 8.57GB (not bad!). The
> repos for torproject don't have fc25 as an available release yet...

In my case upgrade was somehow faster - like 1h or so. But I wasn't
using the machine in the meantime.

> As far as I am concerned, these were the measured facts:
> - many AppVMs started just fine after changing the template in their
> settings from fedora 24 to fedora 25.
> - firefox, thunderbird and libreoffice work just fine. Firefox can play
> youtube videos without delays, glitches nor jitter.
> - pinta (graphic manipulation program) works ok
> - Android studio works ok
> - gnome-terminal, xterm and urxvt all work with their customizations
> (themes)
> - Android emulator (emulating ARM processor, so it's normally slow)
> works exactly as before
> - Monodevelop works ok
> - window resizing works ok, both dragging corners (for floating windows)
> and splitting monitors in various ways (i3wm is a tiling window manager).

In addition to this, all automatic tests also passes, so basic things
like DispVM, NetVM etc should work.

> Now for more unsolicited input, but trying to be as specific as I can be
> - please note that I don't fully understand the working of Qubes-GUID (I
> never studied it, until now :)
> - One AppVM with a lot of installed software took a couple of tries to
> correctly start. The first time the start failed with "qrexec daemon not
> running", and in guid log I found a long list of "invalid PMaxSize for
> 0x2000001d (32767/32767)" and so on. Cannot reproduce this problem.

This particular message shouldn't be a problem, probably the reason is
somewhere else. Do you still have the last message of the log?

> - Qubes-GUID crashed in one AppVM as soon as I started monodevelop the
> first time. Cannot reproduce this problem either. Error in guid log was:
> ErrorHandler: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)
>                  Major opcode: 130 (MIT-SHM)
>                  Minor opcode: 1 (X_ShmAttach)
>                  ResourceID:   0x2000054
>                  Failed serial number:  3670
>                  Current serial number: 3671
> may be related to the fact that monodevelop shows and hides many windows
> in rapid sequence when starting?

Yes, it may be. Very similar error (#2171) was already fixed some time
ago, but apparently not all the cases. Anyway it's rather problem in
gui-daemon, independent of Fedora version.

> Overall the switch was good. I'll report further problems should they
> arise. Thank you for your work, let me know if I can help more.

- -- 
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
Version: GnuPG v2


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