On 2015-02-15, David Lord <sn...@lordynet.org> wrote:
> William Unruh wrote:
>> On 2015-02-14, Paul <tik-...@bodosom.net> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 2:09 PM, William Unruh <un...@invalid.ca> wrote:
>>> Yes but you said
>>>  "This means that if you are using say a PPS source, which gives
>>> microsecond long term offset, it can take many hours to get there"
>>> and I was responding to that.  If you refuse to accept that your previous
>>> statements set the context for a discussion then you're just an ANON troll.
>> Hardly anon. But if the context was PPS, then I agree that I was
>> probably wrong (not being able to remember what my test system was
>> doing.)
>>>> To get the discussion started, lets compare some of the differences
>>>> between chrony and ntpd.
>>> BZZZZZT.  NTPd is yesterday's news.  It's core is unlikely to change absent
>>> a security flaw.  Design "discussions" about it are useless and unhelpful
>>> (but they should still be on more relevant list).  Come back when you're
>>> ready to write about the differences between Chrony and Ntimed with reasons
>>> to select one or the other.  In the meantime be a better advocate of
>>> alternatives to NTPd i.e. get unstuck from the past and port Chrony to
>>> Windows.
>> When timed is actually out I may be interested in testing it again.
>> However, you discussion indicates to me that there the design of timed
>> had not advanced from that of ntpd. Whether it is yesterday's news or
>> not, it seems to be determining tomorrow nontheless. 
>> You have not given any indication that the design discussion has moved
>> on from ntpd. 
>>> Research is needed, and such research should be part
>>>> of any new system. Is it there?
>>> Ntimed has a few constraints -- no research needed:
>>> 1) Be safer (simpler) than ntpd.
>>> 2) Be smaller than ntpd.
>>> 3) Be as good or better than ntpd where better is probably slippery.
>> None of those indicate that anything about the design has changed. You
>> know much better than I do I would assume.
>> No idea what is unsafe about ntpd. Smaller may be possible, mainly be
>> cleaning up the accretion of code. And I would like to hear about what 
>> "better" means. I have mentioned why I believe chrony is better. What do
>> you mean by better?
>>> It's not clear to me if worrying about dial-up costs is an Ntimed concern
>>> (I doubt it) but if it is for you then use Chrony.
>> Dialup costs? Where did I ever mention dialup costs? And chrony's
>> ability to handle dialup is simply an indication of its greater
>> flexibility. Dialup costs never played a role in the design of chrony,
>> except in making it flexible enough to handle the situation of
>> intermittent connectivity to a time source. 
>>  I am beginning to wonder who the troll is here. I have given you
>>  detailed answers to your question, you come back with irrelevancies and
>>  snarky comments. 
> Hi
> I must be a troll since I disagree with you. I used chrony during

You can disagree with me and not be a troll. If you demand that I give
detailed explanation, tell me that timed is different from ntpd, but
give me no explanation as to how, or how timed differs from ntpd, then I
would start to think you are a troll (You are not, you give reasons). 

> the 90's, probably because my isp was demon. I also tried ntpd but
> with my pcs not being online 24/7 and using dialup for internet
> connection ntpd wasn't really usable. Late 90's to 2005 I
> eventually had several pcs online 24/7 and found that ntpd gave
> lower and more stable offsets than chrony but I still needed to
> use chrony on the dialup pc. The one big flaw with ntpd is that
> when motherboard temperature changes too quickly the ntpd control
> loop is broken and ntp offset can rise from < 300u to > 10ms.

That is of course a disaster. 
Note that chrony has changed substantially since the 90s. Lichvar has
done a lot of updating of chrony, adding refclock support, improving rtc
support, etc. Both he and I have done testing of chrony vs ntpd, and
both found that chrony disciplined the clock better (I think because of
its faster response to temperature changes). 

> I've downloaded ntimed which compiled ok so will give it a try in
> a few days.

Be interesting to see how and what it does. 

> David

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