On 2015-02-14, Paul <tik-...@bodosom.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 8:48 PM, William Unruh <un...@invalid.ca> wrote:
> However you've not responded to my question regarding your deep concerns.
> For years you've complained about the ntpd pll and on occasion suggested
> chrony.  Now a replacement is being developed.  So why do you continue to
> focus on what you consider to be defects in ntpd?

Because ntpd is what I know. I now run chrony exclusively (I used to use
ntpd to get time from a Garmin gps but Miroslav Lichvar has done
extensive work on chrony, and it now handles "refclocks" where it used
not to do so). When I was testing things, I had
the hope that the ntpd could incorporate the strengths of chrony into
ntpd, and that one could at least have a discussion of the advantages
and disadvantages of a "fitting" algorithm over a Markovian feedback
loop, for example. And the possibility of using all measurements made instead 
of 1 in
8 as ntpd does. But there has been zero interest shown by the ntpd people in 
of these. If you are saying that this is all up in the air again with
the new replacement, that would be great. But I have seen no evidence
thereof in discussions here. 

I would have expected people involved to discuss what the new design
philosophy was, what they saw as the advantages and disadvantages of the
various approaches, etc. I have not seen those discussion. Either they
are taking place elsewhere than here, or they are not taking place, and
the new is simply a repolishing of the old. 

Regardind the rate of convergence, clearly that will be vastly faster
with a PPS refclock, which has not roundtrip time delay, vs the
convergence from the net. As I recall, my tests were on the latter, not
the former. I used a PPS clock to time and test the system, to get a
handle on what the "true" offset of the system was. Clearly the
convergence time of ntpd from the net, with its effective minpoll of 9
would be, and is, vastly longer than that from a PPS with an effective
minpoll of 3. But most people use the net, not a local PPS source. 

To get the discussion started, lets compare some of the differences
between chrony and ntpd. 

chrony uses a fitting algorithm to do a linear fit on the last N offset
measurements to determine the current offset and drift. As such it
averages over those last N measurements to reduce the uncertainty in
that estimate of the offset and drift. Note that it it also compensates
past measurements for current changes in the clock rate, so that those
measurements are always on the basis of "If the clock had been running
at the current drift when those measurements were made." It then alters
the clock rate to eliminate that offset and to get the system to the
correct drift rate of 1s/s. ntpd on the other hand alters the current
drift to eliminate the currently measured offset. It retains no memory.
It has no idea what the "correct" clock rate is. All it knows is that it
must chase the current offset. 

chrony has an adaptive algorithm to determine N in the above. It tests
the linear fit to see if the data supports the hypothesis that the drift
rate of the clock has been constant over the N samples (It does so by
looking at the distribution of offsets that lie above and below the
line) If it feels that a linear hypothesis is not good, it reduces N
until it is good. If it is good, it allows N to increase. The larger N
the better the linear fit can eliminate random measurement fluctuations. 

ntpd has a clock filter algorithm. It remembers the past 8
measurements-- both offset and delay (roundtrip time) and choses the
next useable measurement as that measuement of the past 
of the past 8 which has the smallest delay as a way of trying to
eliminate assymetry in round trip delays. This is often silly. If round
trip A is 1 microsecond longer than B on a 10ms roundtrip time, A will
not be used, since B is shorter. But even if that 1 microsecond were
completely one way, the harm  to accuracy of the system clock to
eliminating A is far larger than that harm of that "one way" delay. The
advantage of statistics in reducing uncertainty outweighs the
disadvantage of that tiny error in roundtrip. I suspect stongly that in
most useages of ntpd, that is true. It may be that in certain
situations, that clock filter helps, but I suspect they are rare. 
Chrony uses all measurements,
except you can tell it to filter out measurements whose delay is larger
than some multiple of the minimum delay over the past N measurements. 
It's hypothesis is that variation in the delay time is simply another
random perturbation of the measurement which the linear regression can

The effect of those two differences is that chrony is much faster than
ntpd is at noticing changes -- eg due to temperature changes. 

These are two of the main differences. Chrony in experiments I have
done, and Lichvar has done, disciplines the clock a factor of 2 to 20
times better than does ntpd. Ie, the difference between the time on the
computer's clock, and try UTC as measured by a gps pps has a fluctuation
2-3 times better, and Lichvar's simulations have found up to 20 times
better discipline for chrony over ntpd. Even 2 times is huge. ntpd
spends much effort (eg the clock filter algorithm or the huff and puff)
to wrest much smaller improvements out of ntpd. 

And I suspect that one of the reasons for the better behaviour is
chrony's faster response to change. It can respond to temperature
cnanges (due to the computer being used hard suddenly, rather than
sitting there idle overnight for example) quickly, and can thus
eliminiate the difference between the computer time and true time much
more quickly. 

Issues like this need discussion, and need research. One accusation
thrown at chrony is that the stability of the system has not been
thoroughly enough investigated. Are there situations in which chrony's
algorithm could go unstable and deliver much worse results than ntpd?
Stability of the algorithm was one of the key driving features that
Mills used in designing it. I have never noticed chrony going unstable,
but perhaps I have simply not used it in a situation where that
instability would be triggered. Or, perhaps it is as stable, or more
stable than ntpd. Research is needed, and such research should be part
of any new system. Is it there?

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