Sebastian Mellor <sebble <at>> writes:
> Hello all,

Hi Sebastian,

A few things. gWidgets is much better with RGtk2 than tcltk, as the table 
widgets are nicer and there are more methods implemented. Some 
people have made very nice interfaces with gWidgetsRGtk2. Of course, 
the tcltk package is much easier than RGtk2 for users to install (for many it is
already done). If you really want to integrate in with Rcmdr, 
you might want to stick with tcltk. 

You might also consider the qtinterfaces work, especially if you have 
graphics in mind.

As for RStudio, I have on r-forge an experimental package gWidgetsWWW2, 
which is a rewrite of gWidgetsWWW to work with Rook. Most of the basic 
functionality is  there, but there are some areas to implement still. Certainly 
many bugs left. I can't get it working with the server version of RStudio, 
but have gotten it to work with the desktop version with windows. For 
such use there are no installation issues, but the GUIs implemented aren't 
quite as useful and debugging can be a bit of a chore. For serving 
through rapache, gWidgetsWWW is still the only choice. When Rook is 
integrated with rapache, that will hopefully change.

Have fun,


... cut ...

> Best regards,
> Seb
> P.S.  Any other comments and suggestions welcome.
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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