> Ian, Michael,
>> From my experience with the available packages for developing GUIs, when a
> small, efficient sequence of dialogs or controls and plots is needed there
> are many polished examples written within R.  I have not disregarded other
> options such as embedding R within a C program, or using another external
> GUI but an important part of this project (which I should have mentioned
> before) is being able to move back to the command line to tweak parameters
> and re-run as batch scripts -- how I do this I am not yet sure but staying
> in R may make this easier.  In my opinion GTK and Qt have some nice widget
> elements, even tcltk on my system looks reasonable.

Just to clarify my (admittedly controversial) opinion. I didn't mean that good 
GUIs can't be embedded within R, I meant that if you need to do something that 
goes beyond placing widgets in a window, you probably will want to write the 
GUI code in another language and call it from R. For example, speedR's GUI 
interactively calls R but is written in Java.


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