Thank you everyone,
I am learning much from this experience and your comments.  I should have
described hyperSpec a little more, the process of analysing the
hyperspectral data is very visual and the data itself is massive and of a
more structured design than just a data.frame.  A coming concern will be
interaction with the plots.

Ulrike, Bob,
I have spent some time with Rcmdr and Deducer (and pmg).  I believe that our
current audience uses RStudio, emacs, komodo, or eclipse, although a
hyperspec specific GUI is being asked for as many users aren't programmers.
 Unfortunately the size of the data is restrictive when converting for Rcmdr
to use and most of the provided functions make no sense with our data so
this may not be an option right now.  We have decided not to integrate with
any of these for the time being.  I may have been mistaken to suggest Rcmdr
at this time but it was a consideration.

Do you feel the RGtk2 installation could prove prohibitive?  I had to
install some extra packages but I found the process quite easy.  I mentioned
tcltk, and would consider developing with awareness for it's lack of
ggraphics support in gWidgets, but over the last few days I feel optimising
for RGtk2 would not be too problematic.  I have also looked at cranvas and
gWidgetsQt, there is some promising work there I intend to investigate
further.  We are hoping to move from baseplots and lattice to ggplot2 while
keeping an eye on cranvas.  Interaction with our plots is another problem
yet to be determined.

Regarding RStudio server I am definitely interested.  For this project a web
interface is not a priority but I have a personal interest in a GUI that
would smoothly run on a server, I will keep an eye on gWidgetsWWW2 and Rook.

I have had a good play with rp.cartoons() and the rpanel package, in
particular I noticed gWidgetstcltk hadn't used tkrplot as rpanel does but I
did not question that too much.  If we do use tcltk as it is the easiest to
install (already provided usually) then I think rpanel will definitely be
what we use.

I have looked at fgui, have you seen traitr?  There are some nice utility
functions in these.  I am leaning towards gWidgets as I have found that easy
enough to use and at some point I may need more control i.e., hot-linking
plots and selections.

Ian, Michael,
>From my experience with the available packages for developing GUIs, when a
small, efficient sequence of dialogs or controls and plots is needed there
are many polished examples written within R.  I have not disregarded other
options such as embedding R within a C program, or using another external
GUI but an important part of this project (which I should have mentioned
before) is being able to move back to the command line to tweak parameters
and re-run as batch scripts -- how I do this I am not yet sure but staying
in R may make this easier.  In my opinion GTK and Qt have some nice widget
elements, even tcltk on my system looks reasonable.

Thanks again,
Seb - GSoC Student

On 7 June 2011 11:38, Sebastian Mellor <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am spending this Summer developing a GUI for the hyperSpec package in R.
> I have already done some preliminary research but now I am really getting
> started.  The full requirements are yet undetermined but we have several
> desires as with most other GUIs, i.e., cross-platform, minimal
> pre-requisites, easy to install.  After looking at several available
> packages I am leaning towards gWidgets with either RGtk2 or TclTk layers to
> cover most platforms.  I am also considering providing basic plugins for
> other packages like RCmdr to add a menu item to initiate any of the main GUI
> features.  The GUI we are looking to create is not a full featured
> environment, but rather a collection of smaller functions to be chained.
> While determining exactly what we require I am going to keep investigating
> the experience of using various GUI packages.  What are your experiences
> with the available packages in terms of installation and reliability when
> making small GUIs or 'widgets'?
> One environment I have been using personally for the last couple of months
> is RStudio (server edition), this has proved extremely useful when working
> between Uni and home.  I believe an API will be released eventually allowing
> the menu bar to be extended and I have just discovered that Rook will work
> from the web interface as it would from the desktop or any other console
> that could spawn a browser window.  Does anyone have any experience with
> using a web-based GUI?  This is probably out of the scope of my initial aims
> but if gWidgets, gWidgetsWWW, rApache, Rook, EXT JS, and the rest of it all
> worked together theoretically a gWidgets interface could also work on the
> web server too when using the RStudio console.  How unreasonable is this?
> Best regards,
> Seb
> P.S.  Any other comments and suggestions welcome.

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