  I have found that fgui is a very easy-to-use package for developing 
GUIs. The documentation gives some very good examples to get started.

Sebastian Mellor <>
06/08/2011 06:36 AM
[R-gui] Developing a GUI
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Hello all,

I am spending this Summer developing a GUI for the hyperSpec package in R.
I have already done some preliminary research but now I am really getting
started.  The full requirements are yet undetermined but we have several
desires as with most other GUIs, i.e., cross-platform, minimal
pre-requisites, easy to install.  After looking at several available
packages I am leaning towards gWidgets with either RGtk2 or TclTk layers 
cover most platforms.  I am also considering providing basic plugins for
other packages like RCmdr to add a menu item to initiate any of the main 
features.  The GUI we are looking to create is not a full featured
environment, but rather a collection of smaller functions to be chained.

While determining exactly what we require I am going to keep investigating
the experience of using various GUI packages.  What are your experiences
with the available packages in terms of installation and reliability when
making small GUIs or 'widgets'?

One environment I have been using personally for the last couple of months
is RStudio (server edition), this has proved extremely useful when working
between Uni and home.  I believe an API will be released eventually 
the menu bar to be extended and I have just discovered that Rook will work
from the web interface as it would from the desktop or any other console
that could spawn a browser window.  Does anyone have any experience with
using a web-based GUI?  This is probably out of the scope of my initial 
but if gWidgets, gWidgetsWWW, rApache, Rook, EXT JS, and the rest of it 
worked together theoretically a gWidgets interface could also work on the
web server too when using the RStudio console.  How unreasonable is this?

Best regards,

P.S.  Any other comments and suggestions welcome.

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