Here is the short version.

  Rackets website does not sell Racket, it does not answer the WHY, someone 
should choose racket to solve problems.  It’s not clear as to the benefits 
of using racket, it’s not clear what advantage I get for choosing Racket 
over something like Python for web development, etc.  It seems as if 
Rackets website is more suited towards someone who already measure the pro 
and cons of using a lisp like language, an individual who has already 
consciously made the decision to go with Racket, instead of showcasing the 
strengths of Racket to the uninitiated.   For example, let’s say you had 
some problem that you needed to solve and you had no idea about Racket or 
Python, and the only information you can get is from their respective web 
pages.  Which language would you choose and why?

>From my understanding, many of you use Racket to get real work done.  What 
is the reason behind your choice?  What benefits does using racket have 
above using a more popular language?  Why are these reasons not highlighted 
on Rackets website?  As I said in an above post, I am a just a beginner,  I 
have little to no idea what it means to refractor your code, design 
patterns, or any of the other jargon used in the software industry.  Don’t 
concentrate on the specifics of my critique, try to look at the overall 
point I am trying to make…..The Racket website does not sell Racket.   Here 
is another example, many of you work in the software industry.  If you 
where to ask your coworkers what macros are, what would they say?  Would 
they even understand the benefits the macros system in Racket brings?  If 
you ask them about language-oriented programming, what would they say?  
Would they truly understand what it is, and the benefits it brings?  Do 
your coworkers even understand how special Racket is?  Even If the answer 
is yes to these questions, in addition to what is already there, are some 
of the things that should also be highlighted on Rackets website.  


Longer version

 Let me refine my critique of Racket web presence.  We are talking about 
making Racket more popular, not the functionalities of the Racket 
language.   There is a lot less noise around Racket than other more popular 
languages.  This is an advantage that the Racket community can exploit.  
 Because of the lack of popularity, IMHO the Racket community needs utilize 
Racket webpage to SELL the use of racket as a possible solution to various 
problems.   For example, let’s look at Python.  I choose Python here not to 
compare Python capabilities to Racket but because it is one of the most 
popular languages in use today.    Imagine if you knew nothing about 
programing but had problem you needed to solve and you landed on the Python 
website.  Out side of the tabs, you see that “Python is a programming 
language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively” 
Notice, it does not say that python is a scripting language or use some 
sort of computing jargon to describe Python.  It use words that a 
non-programmer can understand.  It simple, and to the point.    If you 
would conduct the same exercise with Racket you see “Racket solves 
problems-make languages”.   To me it reads that Racket solves problems by 
making languages.  This sounds more complex than it needs to be.  WHY do I 
want to complicate my problem by making a language?  What I want to do is 
to solve my problem as efficiently as possible.  Making a language seems 
like an unneeded extra step.  Now my view of Racket is tainted by that 
statement.  As I continue to explore the site, I learn that Racket is 
cross-platform, etc.  I also learn that Racket has various packages for web 
applications,  math and statistics, etc.  Mind you my view of racket has 
already been formed, when I click on web applications I am greeted with an 
tutorial on web applications in Racket.  But there is still no answer as to 
WHY solving problems by making languages would be beneficial in my use 
case.   Compare that to Python website, when you click on Django, by the 
Web Development tab.   You are greeted by “Django makes it easier to build 
better web apps more quickly and with less code” Which is totally in line 
with the mission statement above.  We also learn that Django is 
“ridiculously fast, Reassuringly secure, Exceedingly scalable” again Python 
is answering the WHY, and its Answer is totally aligned with its mission 
statement.   When you go to the racket website and explore it, you are 
greeted with “Racket is a general -purpose programming language as well as 
the world’s first ecosystem for language -oriented programming.  Make your 
dream language, or use one of the dozen already available”   What does that 
mean?  What is language -oriented programming?  How do these things help me 
solve my problems?   The section powerful macros and languages seems to be 
able to answer some of these questions.   When you roll over it, it claims 
that’s Racket crown jewel is it’s macro system.  The problem here, again is 
that it does not SELL the use of macros.  Are these macros similar to what 
you may find in another language?  How does this “crown jewel” help me 
solve problems?  What are the benefits of using macros?   In short racket 
website is not clear as to why I should take more time in exploring 
Racket.  It’s not clear as to why I should use Racket to solve problems.  
Racket website seems to be geared more to educating those who are familiar 
with lisp like languages on the use of racket, and not really about selling 
the use of racket. It does not attempt to educate an outsider on the 
benefits of using such a language.      Rackets website does not answer the 
WHY behind using Racket.  




On Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 6:53:41 PM UTC-5, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> This might be a bad idea, and normally I disapprove of this sort of 
> thing, but... does anyone want to take on the job of RACKET EVANGELISM 
> STRIKE FORCE, among a concentration of startup-types and other software 
> practitioners? 
> Specifically, you'd participate regularly in Y Combinator's popular 
> "Hacker News" Web forum, "";, and, when the 
> not-unusual occasion to mention/show a strength of Racket presents 
> itself, do so. 
> I occasionally see Racket mentioned on HN, but not nearly as often as it 
> legitimately could be. 
> (There are also other strategic targets for the RACKET EVANGELISM STRIKE 
> FORCE operator or cell, and I recall Eli Barzilay and others active on a 
> lot of them years ago, but HN might be first priority right now.) 

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