Thanks for your extensive reply. I realized that I have based my
opinions on Racket 6.7 and we are living in 7.1-era, which makes some
(but not all) of my words a bit irrelevant (I was subscribed here for
all this time, but it just... skipped my attention somehow). I will
address few points below.

On Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 12:24:59AM -0500, Philip McGrath wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 29, 2018 at 1:48 PM Tomasz Rola <> wrote:

> closest relatives: there is ongoing work to implement Racket in Chez
> Scheme, and you will find some of the creators of Racket listed on the
> cover page of R6RS.

Ok, I guess this will suffice for me as sign of connection to the rest
of Lisp-land.

> stuff) that it expects to be installed via the OS package manager,
> but "Minimal Racket does not require additional native libraries to
> run" <>, and
> you can configure things so that these are bundled with Racket
> instead. Also, if you prefer, Racket can compile your scripts into
> stand-alone executables, so you could just deploy the binaries if
> that simplifies things.

I think I will play with this "minimal Racket" idea. As of standalone
execs, I will rather stay with scripts.

> The Racket Guide <> points
> you to how to run pure R5RS and R6RS code in Racket: did you not see this,
> or was it not sufficiently clear?

The part of message stating about R5RS and R6RS was quite clear to me
and for long time. What was not clear was if I should expect vanishing
support for those dialects. But from what you have written, it seems
like I do not have to worry too much about it. So now I have lots of
potential worries shot at once, which is good.

> (Of course, writing practical programs in pure portable RnRS Scheme
> is hard,

Acknowledged. I was there and it was 4 on 0-10 point PITA scale.

> > Another niche for which I would like to consider R* is mobile apps
> > (i.e. for smartphone). But, is it possible to do such thing, actually?
> >
> Jay McCarthy has ported Racket to Android:
> It should be possible to do
> likewise for iOS, but I don't know of anyone who's done it yet.

Wonderful. Really.

> > Python has an excellent "batteries included" motto.  …
> > Something which can talk to and make use of existing Python,
> > Perl, Ruby code? Open up a spreadsheet, read data, feed it to Python
> > library, write back results. … utilities/system
> > programming and/or stuff like reading and manipulating data in files,
> > databases and spreadsheets … And showing some controls for mouse.
> >
> Not only can Racket do all of these things, I personally do essentially all
> of them. "Batteries included" is written right at the top of Racket's
> website <>. The main distribution comes with a

Since I have visited that site in 6.7 days I can see it underwent a
nice change. Despite the fact that others in this thread would like to
improve it even more.

> package for working with many databases
> <>, and other packages add
> support for others <>, as well
> CSV spreadsheets
> <>. I have been
> using Racket to run Python programs under its control and talk to
> them via standard IO in formats like JSON. I even use Racket's `raco
> setup` tool to manage the Python dependencies, and I'm working on
> integrating the Python docstrings into Racket's Scribble
> documentation.
> In Racket itself, I maintain a cross-platform (Windows, Mac, and
> GNU/Linux) GUI app, a server-side web application (including proxies
> and virtual hosts managed from within Racket), and various utilities
> for managing a large corpus of XML documents.

Very interesting. The thought of puppeting one interpreter from
another one is kind of hypnotizing me. And this (whole paragraph) is
the kind of stuff that would have kept me interested in Racket during
last two years, should I know about it (of course I am not blaming
you, or anybody else, but this is how things mishappen, mostly my own
lack of initiative plus circumstances).

> The Racket language has compelling features (e.g.  continuations,
> contracts, green threads, DSLs) that make it more effective and
> productive for my purposes than any other language I've encountered.

Yep, I realize that. Since we are coming out, I have for years written
small and low-medium utils in various scripting languages. But writing
one or two of them in Elisp (it - or Emacs - can be utilised in such
role) was quite an eye opening experience. There were some limitations
to such "scripting" - no exec funcall (at least not in E24, AFAIK),
and no easy way to process files in pieces (and the hard way was
uninteresting). Still, it convinced me that I should invest some time
into doing more scripts in such way.

I rarely use the word but if Racket can be utilised for this, it is
quite exciting.

Tomasz Rola

** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.      **
** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home    **
** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...      **
**                                                                 **
** Tomasz Rola             **

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