Tomas, thank you for your helpful comments.  I just wanted to comment on a couple side points right now.

Tomasz Rola wrote on 12/29/18 1:48 PM:
I understand Racket community no longer considers themselves as part of Scheme landscape, but I am unable to say where I get this impression from.

I've been one of the people propagating that, for two reasons:

1. That was the impression I got of the intention of the name change from PLT Scheme, and I guessed it was a time to be a team player. :)

2. Many of the most savvy developers will immediately want to use "standard Scheme", not "embrace&extend proprietary variants". But standard Scheme was a really great baseline foundation -- just not sufficiently as a complete general-purpose production language. So people were shooting themselves in the foot by trying to get by with R5RS and SRFIs.

(I say this as one of those foot-sharpshooters.  When I picked Scheme as my next language platform for rapid R&D, I started writing missing essential libraries and tools for it, and I went to a great deal of trouble to keep them portable, and to test with maybe 10 different Scheme implementations, with some scripts to package for a few of them.  Eventually, I decided I was handicapping myself too much, so I switched to developing in PLT Scheme only, but always knowing how to switch to Gambit, Kawa, Chicken, Guile, or some other Scheme implementation with different strengths that I might need.  I announced this, maybe a few other Scheme and other Lisp people followed me to PLT, and some others who focused on non-PLT Schemes took up repackaging some of my libraries for those. The choice of PLT turned out to be a good one.)

(That said, RnRS is done by great people, and I think it would be good if all the Scheme variants could find a common svelte baseline again, and to continue to explore a diversity of different approaches and goals atop that baseline.  Then, for a comprehensive "standard library" today, I'd favor a more decentralized model. Some of it perhaps much like SRFIs, but maybe a little closer to IETF RFC and STD, combined with de jure "standards" of the day based on current popularity of open source libraries, some of which might eventually might turn into something like RFC/STD.  For example, given a baseline language, many libraries from Racket, Scheme48, and elsewhere might simply be used, and that's enough, and some might go through an RFC or STD process beyond that.  In any case, standardization efforts people care about tend to be a massive amount of work, especially when there's community involvement, and I do not envy those who heroically take on that task.)

BTW, maybe jobs using Racket will also encourage a lot more quality contributions of 
packages, when there's the additional motivation of open source "auditioning" 
for jobs, in addition to the current community participation, platform promotion, and 
love of craft.
Forget it. I think this is standing a problem on its head.

That "BTW" was not suggesting how to create jobs, but speculating a major reason why Rust-like contributions growth might happen once jobs exist (and why Racket hasn't yet seen that degree of sustained contributions).

(I have a holistic development model in mind that should give you optional open source contributions almost for free (doing things you'd do anyway for your project's and organization's immediate needs).  But that kind of organizational altruism/alignment/PR contribution, together with individual purely altruistic or collaborative contributions, are not the only kind or motivation of contributions -- another motivation is marketing of individual developers.   Individual marketing via open source (and blog posts, etc.) has been a thing since at least the start of Web popularity, but seems to be more of a standard practice than it used to be.)

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