It can be done much simpler:
* Snooze: Press the big navigation wheel
* Alarm off: Press the mute button (= press volume wheel)
* Continue listening: Do nothing or press 'back' button.

Any screen or any pop up that require some navigation will not work, because:
* People are sleepy when the alarm goes off and do weird things like
searching for the device with their eyes closed or half open.
* Many people need glasses or lenses to be able to see anything,
especially in the mornings, and most people do not sleep with lenses
in or glasses on...

Since it is an alarm function it has to be as usable as simple as
possible, thus:
* Usable on touch only
* Time must be visible in large letters, otherwise many people cannot
read the time without glasses/lenses...
* Time display is especially important while using the snooze
function: I myself usually loose count on how many times I actually
pressed the snooze button... (So I need to have the time somewhere)

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