My radio works with WEP. It took me a little fiddling to get it going
because I am quite ignorant about these things. I had my router set to
hide the SSID, in addition to WEP and MAC filtering.

First I had to read the instructions to realize that I had to translate
my WEP password into hex. Once past that, at first the Radio would not
recognize the network so I unhid the SSID and took off MAC filtering.
Then it connected OK and I was able to find the MAC number for the Radio
so I put back the MAC filtering and rehid the SSID, but it would not
reconnect with my network after disconnection. So I attached it to the
ethernet to down load the new firmware and went through the whole
process again. Now it seems to work fine and has for the past 3 months.
Even when the power goes out it is able to reconnect all by itself when
the power comes back on.

I am not sure why what I did worked or why it didn't work at first. My
guess is new user syndrome (also known as ingnorence) combined with the
not very good documentation.

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