mrw wrote: 
> I'll have to see if there is some other reasonable combination that can
> work for all sample rates encountered, in place of 30ms.

Well, there is. For 30ms we can use 29991 instead of 30000. And for 50ms
we can use 49990 instead of 50000.

I have tested these with all sample rates known to me: 8000, 11025,
12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000. The Radio doesn't
handle sample rates greater than 48000. If I have missed any others,
please let me know.

ALSA configures itself identically when using these revised values,
except that now it manages the 22050 sample rate streams as well. So
there should be no downside to this change.

But I'll be running these revised settings on my own Radios for a few
weeks, to confirm that something else doesn't unexpectedly emerge. All
being well, I shall issue an update to the Applet.

Curiously, the Squeezebox Controller, which defaults to a buffer size of
30000, does manage to play out the 22050 sample rate stream. But I think
it has different audio hardware, and it does appear to use an earlier
kernel version of ALSA (1.0.14 vs 1.0.16, as reported by -cat
/proc/asound/version-). User space -alsa-lib- is at version 1.0.18 on
both devices.

It seems likely to me that the problem probably lies somewhere within
ALSA's "Automatic rate conversion plugin" ('plug' type plugin), which
would be called into action on the Radio when presented with any stream
not at either 44100 or 48000. The answer might be found by a combination
of scrutinizing the source code and delving into some numerology. I
don't think I shall be embarking on the search.

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