POMdev wrote: 
> Wow, every night. Just at night? Can you upload your saved logs from
> \etc\log\ (or other persistent location) just after a reboot to your pc,
> and examine them? You can upload the logs without a reboot if you
> connect (and perhaps switch to) an Ethernet connection. You could zip
> the logs and upload to here so we could take a look. You might also
> examine the state of the system. Is wlanpoke still running, etc.?
> The script is not supposed to "give up" although I did have a funny
> issue last year with occasional inadvertent mouse clicks on the Windows
> ncat console holding off incoming messages, stalling the all the radios'
> scripts. All my radios eventually disconnected, and I had to reboot them
> all! Disabling the Windows mouse click to console select option fixed
> this issue. Too bad this is not your issue.

I'm saving the logs to etc/wlanpoke/log, so they survive a reboot, also
just added -F 4 this morning (would that help?).
(BTW, df shows only 7% of the SB Radio being used, and as you rotate the
logs, not sure why you don't put the logs into a folder that survives a

Attached are logs from past 2 days:

|Filename: log.zip                                                  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=35755|

  SBTouch ♪ SBRadio ♬
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