Tony T wrote: 
> I'm saving the logs to etc/wlanpoke/log, so they survive a reboot, also
> just added -F 4 this morning (would that help?).
> (BTW, df shows only 7% of the SB Radio being used, and as you rotate the
> logs, not sure why you don't put the logs into a folder that survives a
> re-boot)
-F 4 makes the full reset happen more quickly, which is generally an
improvement if not using a quick reset method. It is 6 by default to
give time for a quick reset to work, however, a really effective quick
reset has not so far been discovered. (Look at the development branch
software.) Others have shortened the time as well. -F 3 seems
reasonable, depending on your network.

The log files went by default into the same folder as the Squeezeplay
(jive) logs because very few look at the logs, we want to minimize
adverse effects, and this location "must" have been designed to
accommodate a moderate amount of log data, so it fit. Also one of the
'reboot' log files (fping.txt.log) is not rotated or pruned, so
eventually will fill up the persistent storage after an undetermined
number of ?years?.

> Attached are logs from past 2 days:
I forgot to ask, what is in your rcS.local file?

Looking at wlanerr.log:
Congratulations on having such a strong (-41dbm) WiFi signal!
('Hopefully' not too strong.)

The first lines show the script starting from a reboot twice. The second
time at 08:32:33, the script exited for an unknown reason (but typically
a script error of some sort). I wonder if it has anything to do with
your radio name "Squeezebox Radio 4" containing spaces, which has not
been tested although another user has offered a mechanism to support
names with spaces on the GitHub issues tab. 

A reboot at 18:16 started the script again, this time it logged a few
disruptions, then performed a full reset at 20:26, but then had an error
and exited the last time at 20:26:52, so your radio was unprotected,
eventually lost its connection, and required a reboot. This exiting
after a reset sounds like a good clue. Perhaps the script was trying to
send the error log to a misbehaving ncat on your piCorePlayerWP,
although that would  cause an nc error, not a script error. 

The next day starts with a reboot entry, connection, then, 2 seconds
later, an exit. Two subsequent log entries show reboot launches and wlan
connection success messages, but then nothing else, which is suspicious.
Perhaps you uploaded the logs just then.

Suggestions, in order, one at a time:
1) Are you running ncat on your server? If not, use the "-x" option to
disable logging transmission.
2) Rename and copy over a fresh copy. (One user somehow had
a corrupted copy.)
3) Rename your radio (e.g., "Squeezebox4") to remove the spaces.
4) Try the "-W slow" web server option (This is used more than the
"quick" method, and does not seem to affect the radio's operation).

Occasionally check the web page to see that the script is still running.
The idea is to stop whatever is causing the script to exit. 

Thank you for your report.


During development, there was an issue with exiting from to a bad number
being used for math because of a script bug (perhaps something about
using quotes with numbers). The TTL serial console displayed the
following error message:
sh: =11: bad number
/etc/wlanpoke/ line 1: arithmetic syntax error
wlanpoke exiting
The shell math functions $(()) cause a script to exit, but the '1' line
number was unhelpful. I don't see that the underlying bug was fixed. The
source of "=11" was never discovered. See 2021-04-01.03 Enh: Trap or
handle any shell math errors, now cause script to exit. in history.txt.

If you are so motivated, attach a TTL serial connection to the console
port. There might be a helpful message displayed prior to exiting.

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