As someone who has found several positions/contracts through the list
I vote to keep the job postings, but can the responses. For me the
list if *for* job postings and meetup organisation.

If you are interested in a position, you can email directly to seek
clarification on any missing details.

On Feb 15, 12:54 pm, Ben Schwarz <> wrote:
> It seems to me that there are different expectations of the group
> pages for many members.
> Some believe it is where we will be held accountable to what is said,
> others see it as an ongoing conversation over drinks at a local meetup
> between friends.
> I'd like to suggest that it is probably more of the first - When you
> post in a public forum you effect the surrounding environment.
> The old adage applies - don't piss in your own swimming pool.
> Treat these humble pages with the respect they deserve.
> Job postings keep us all putting food on the table, lets not alienate
> the people who want to make money from our *growing* industry sector.

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