On 14 Dec 2003 at 20:14, John Andersen wrote:

> On Sunday 14 December 2003 13:39, Matt Kettler wrote:
> > Neils mentioned that he has a low hit rate when mail is delivered, but when
> > he re-scans the SAME MESSAGES a few days later, the hit rate is three times
> > higher.
> No, Neils said he had a 60% hit rate after RESCANNING mail he
> submitted already.  You would expect that, especially if Neils had
> "good carma" at Razor. But the point was that Razor, left to its own
> devices has a 15% hit rate. 

John's correct.  The huge increase in hitrate is observed *after* I 
report; I generally do a razor-check immediately prior to reporting 
for comparison purposes.  Generally speaking, there *is* a slight 
increase in razor-detected spam between initial reception and my pre-
reporting razor-check, but it's nothing compared to what I see after 
I've reported.  Even after a week, during which I might have expected 
*lots* of people to report, the pre- and post-reporting checks are 
dramatically different.

It just seems odd to me that my individual reporting could make such 
a difference!  I guess I don't really understand the algorithm by 
which an individual message's spam-threshold-according-to-razor is 
determined.  I should probably consult some documentation and see if 
I can get a better handle on it. :-)

One possibility that occurred to me is that a greater proportion of 
the spam being sent out nowadays is randomized for each recipient.  I 
don't mean the content the spammer wants you to read--I'm talking 
about all the fake HTML tags and bayes poison sprinkled throughout 
many messages.  If the messages *are* unique (or close to it) then 
presumably my reporting a message body which is unique to me (or say, 
ten recipients) won't actually have a big impact for other razor 

Nels Lindquist <*>
Information Systems Manager
Morningstar Air Express Inc.

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