I started commuting by bike and Caltrain from Palo Alto to Santa Clara
and now to North San Jose since I moved here from Venezuela. I've done
it on and off but mostly on a regular basis since the second half of
2009. While I try to do it every day, in practice it turns out to be 3
- 4 weekdays and then I get in some riding on the weekends as well.

When I worked in a cube, I was able to find empty cubes nearby where I
could leave my bike. I've had an office for the past 4 - 5 years so
now my bike is a staple in my office and my co-workers notice when
it's not there. We are allowed jeans at work, but early when I got my
office I used a file cabinet to leave clean clothes in my office so I
wouldn't have to carry them with me. I have to say that I'm yet to
commute in regular clothing as I've always found it uncomfortable when
sweaty. Now that I'm losing weight that might start changing for
errand rides, but not likely for commute rides.

Since we moved to North San Jose (near the airport) two things
changed; our new offices don't have blinds so I cannot change clothes
inside my office even with the door closed, but the new facility has a
very nice shower/locker room and I've taken possesion of several
lockers (few people use it) to store my shoes, pants, underwear and
shirts so I always have fresh clothes to put on. In the mornings I
just wait a bit to cool off while I start checking e-mails and eat my
breakfast (usually boiled eggs I bring from home) and then just simply
change into my work clothes as I'm already dry. I shower at home in
the mornings so I'm clean and have also discovered (Rivendell benefit)
that wool doesn't smell so that is not a problem at all. If I have no
time to cool-off and/or possibly in the summer, then I take a cool
refreshing shower at work and feel completely reborn after the ride.

My current commute is 15 minutes (2.3 miles) from my house to the
Caltrain Station in downtown Palo Alto; train ride to downtown San
Jose and then 30 minutes (5.5 miles) along the Guadalupe Trail to my
company location. I then do the reverse in the evening, sometimes
taking a train that will drop me off in Menlo Park instead so it's 21
minutes (4 miles) for some added riding.

Occasionally I ride the whole distance to work which is around 15.5
miles and takes me around 90 minutes. My goal is to increase the
number of mornings when I do this as essentially it takes the same
overall time to do the Caltrain commute until I do this every morning
and take the train back in the evenings when the headwinds are pretty
strong. One day... I'll be riding both ways on the same day on a
regular basis...

Unfortunately only 3 or 4 people out of aproximately 400 commute by
bicycle in my company.


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