With R-2.8 installed under Windows XP, I installed (D)COM, specifically using RSrv250.exe. Something's wrong in the configuration.

When I try "Server 01- Basic Test," I get a pop-up "StatConnector Test" window. If I click the Start R button, I see:

  Loading StatConnector Server... Done
  Initializing R...Function call failed
     Code: -2147221485
     Text: installation problem: unable to load connector

and I get a separate "Test1" pop-up saying "Method '~' of object '~' failed.

If instead, I try "Excel 01 - R Server Connection demo", immediately I get RExcel.xla opened in the Microsoft Visual Basic debugger with a pop-up window "Microsoft Visual Basic" saying, "Compile error: Can't find project or library." The debugger has stopped at the word "Left" in the line

  ExcelVersionMajor = CInt(Left(Application.Version, pos - 1))

of the function ExcelVersionMajor().

I stop the debugger. Excel 2003 is still open. I close it and then reopen it in order to deactivate the RExcel add-in. When I use Tools > Add-ins and uncheck RExcel, I get a "Microsoft Visual Basic" pop-up window saying "Can't find project or library." I quit that window and get a "VBAProject Password" window, which I cancel.

Next, I reactivate RExcel add-in and now I get a new pop-up window, "References - RExcelVBAlib" and I see the item:

  MISSING RCOM 1.0 Type Library

with the message that this is should be in Location:


But I do not have R installed there.  Here's my setup:

My system PATH includes


(which is correct), and the file rcom_srv.tlb from rcom is in:


In D:\Stat\R\R-2.8\bin, I have .Renviron, which includes:


And that target of R_USER is where my .Rprofile is kept. It includes as last line:


and has no trouble, apparently, loading that library when I just start R directly.

I also have the Windows system variable R_HOME set to D:\Stat\R\R-2.8.

I suspect part of the problem may arise from the file .Renviron that is installed by RSrv250.exe into D:\Stat\R\(D)COM Server\xls. It contains the single line: library(rcom)

BUT... where is something picking up the spurious location
"C:\PROGRA~2\R\R-24~1.1\library\rcom\libs\rcom_srv.tlb" for rcom_srv.tlb, and how do I fix this.

Murray Eisenberg                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305
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