I just did that:

1. Removed existing rcom in library
2. Opened R Console & installed rcom from CRAN (via Packages > Install package(s).

   rcom is installed in the library location pointed to by
   which is set in my .Renviron file; I'm no longer using
   any system environment variable for that.

3. Loaded package rcom from menu Packages > Load Package...
   I note message: Loading required package: rscproxy
4. On R Console command line, execute: comRegisterRegistry()
   This returns NULL.  Is that OK?
5. (Should I have first uninstalled (D)COM and then reinstalled after step #4?)
6. I leave R Console open now.
7. Open Excel 2003 and fro RExcel menu select Start R.
   Get error message "Could not start RServer".
   Close Excel.
8. Run the (D)COM "Server 01 - Basic Test": click "Start R". Get error message "Method '~' of object '~' failed" and in StatConnector Test window see:

  Initializing R...Function call failed
     Code: -2147221485
     Text: installation problem: unable to load connector

At least now I'm not getting the VBA debugger opening. But something is still very wrong.

Thomas Baier wrote:
Murray Eisenberg schrieb:
With R-2.8 installed under Windows XP, I installed (D)COM, specifically using RSrv250.exe. Something's wrong in the configuration.

Please read at least the previous 3-5 postings on the list...

with the message that this is should be in Location:


But I do not have R installed there.  Here's my setup:

Maybe you had installed R 2.4.1 in this location, including rcom installed _correctly_ as the installation instructions told you.

Please start R, load rcom and call comRegisterRegistry()


Murray Eisenberg                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305
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