Here's an excerpt from the DbgView capture:

[3176] looking up 0 registry key at "HKCR\Software\R-core\R\InstallPath"      
[3176] looking up 0 registry key at "HKLM\Software\R-core\R\InstallPath"      
[3176] loading "D:\Stat\R\R-2.8\bin\rproxy.dll     
[3176] load proxy library from "D:\Stat\R\R-2.8\bin\rproxy.dll"       
[3176] Registry information said to load "D:\Stat\R\R-2.8\bin\rproxy.dll", failed!
[3176] load proxy library from "rproxy.dll"   
[3176] Loading "rproxy.dll" via path failed!

I searched for rproxy.dll but do not find it anywhere.

What installs that and why might it not get installed? Although I installed (D)COM by using RSrv250.exe, I did look into bu found no rproxy.* there. So I assume that either R itself or else rcom installs rproxy.dll?

Thomas Baier wrote:

Murray Eisenberg schrieb:
I just did that:

1. Removed existing rcom in library
2. Opened R Console & installed rcom from CRAN (via Packages > Install package(s).

   rcom is installed in the library location pointed to by
   which is set in my .Renviron file; I'm no longer using
   any system environment variable for that.

3. Loaded package rcom from menu Packages > Load Package...
   I note message: Loading required package: rscproxy
4. On R Console command line, execute: comRegisterRegistry()
   This returns NULL.  Is that OK?

yes, this is ok. If you're logged in as Administrator or Power User, then everything should work fine now.

5. (Should I have first uninstalled (D)COM and then reinstalled after step #4?)
6. I leave R Console open now.
7. Open Excel 2003 and fro RExcel menu select Start R.
   Get error message "Could not start RServer".
   Close Excel.

Depending on the settings of RExcel, rcom or R/Scilab (D)COM Server will be used. We've just discussed rcom so far.

8. Run the (D)COM "Server 01 - Basic Test": click "Start R". Get error message "Method '~' of object '~' failed" and in StatConnector Test window see:

  Initializing R...Function call failed
     Code: -2147221485
     Text: installation problem: unable to load connector

At least now I'm not getting the VBA debugger opening. But something is still very wrong.

The "Basic Test" only applies to R/Scilab (D)COM Server. After installing the correct version for R 2.8.0 (see the list archives for postings from yesterday), this should work fine. If not, I'd recommend to install DbgView and have a look at the output. For me, this output is:

[4356] connector:      R
[4356] DLL:            rscproxy.dll
[4356] environment:    R_HOME
[4356] registry key:   Software\R-core\R
[4356] registry value: InstallPath
[4356] version key:
[4356] version value:
[4356] binary dir:     bin
[4356] connector:      Rold
[4356] DLL:            rproxy.dll
[4356] environment:    R_HOME
[4356] registry key:   Software\R-core\R
[4356] registry value: InstallPath
[4356] version key:
[4356] version value:
[4356] binary dir:     bin
[4356] connector:      SciLab
[4356] DLL:            sciproxy.dll
[4356] environment:    R_HOME
[4356] registry key:   Software\Scilab\%s
[4356] registry value: SCIPATH
[4356] version key:    Software\Scilab
[4356] version value:  LASTINSTALL
[4356] binary dir:     bin
[4356] sc_proxy_find_connector: 008507C8/R (current R)
[4356] sc_proxy_find_connector: found "R
[4356] looking up registry key at "HKCU\Software\R-core\R\InstallPath"
[4356] looking up registry key at "HKLM\Software\R-core\R\InstallPath"
[4356] SetEnvironmentVariable("R_HOME","f:\Programme\R\R-2.8.0")
[4356] SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH","C:\APPS\CVS\TCL\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Programme\HPQ\IAM\bin;H:\LC32ENV\Tools\Version11\win\bin;H:\LC32ENV\Tools\Version11\win\cmd;C:\Programme\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\;C:\SFU\common\;C:\Programme\TortoiseSVN\bin;c:\Apps\CVS\GNU\WinCVS\CVSNT;c:\h\\LC32ENV\Tools\Version11\lc32dev\Cygnus\1.1.7\bin;c:\Programme\CVSNT\;f:\Programme\R\R-2.8.0\bin")
[4356] PATH 8721749s "(null)"
[4356] load proxy library from "f:\Programme\R\R-2.8.0\library/rscproxy/libs\rscproxy.dll"
[4356] No Debugging of rproxy
[4356] R_Proxy_parse_parameters("")

If DbgView does not produce any output, something has gone seriously wrong (on your machine). If DbgView produces a similar output, please study the output if this matches the setup on your machine. Please post the output if you're not sure, but also don't forget to post, where R ist installed and full information about the versions of the various software you have installed (R, rcom, rscproxy, R/Scilab (D)COM Server,...)


Murray Eisenberg                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305
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