Part of the reason for the messiness of ch. 6 is that the real ch. 6 (at
least the music portions) can be found in the document 5JSC/LC/12/LC
( From
the cover letter to the full draft: 


Proposed revision of RDA chapter 6, Additional instructions for musical
works and expressions 

In February 2008 the Library of Congress proposed a number of changes to
the instructions on constructing preferred titles for musical works and
expressions (5JSC/LC/12). The ALA and CCC responses to that document
included alternative proposals. The JSC noted at the April 2008 meeting
that it was preferable for the alternatives to be harmonised so the
proposed changes could be assessed as a whole. Due to the specialist
nature of the proposals, a group of experts from some of the
constituencies were invited to further develop the proposals for JSC's

The instructions at 6.15-6.19 and 6.28 in the full draft carry forward
the instructions at 6.17-6.22 in the December 2007 draft of Sections
2-4, and 9. The document 5JSC/LC/12/follow-up presents the latest
suggestions for these instructions. 

As already mentioned, any comments on instructions at 6.15-6.19 and 6.28
in the full draft should be made in the constituency response to
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up.


The separation between the tasks of recording and constructing can be
confusing, but has been done for deliberate reasons.  In FRBR we have
works, expressions, manifestations and items.  In a relational database
environment, the ideal would be to have work records, expression
records, manifestation, and item records.  In this environment, the
recording task for musical works in RDA would take place in the work
record, roughly analogous to todays authority records, but would be much
more robust.  The construction task, the creation of an access point,
would link the work record to the manifestation record.  The access
point string itself can't contain all the information that would be
recorded in the work record, which is why construction has to be a
different task.  For further reference on the idea of what work records
for music might encompass, see


To be honest, access point construction goes against the whole point of
RDA.  As a content standard, it really should only be concerned that
certain information is recorded, not in how it is constructed or


Damian Iseminger

Technical Services Librarian

New England Conservatory



From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gene Fieg
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 10:56 AM
Subject: [RDA-L] RDA comments


I may not get through this voluminous work to give complete comments.
But I do want to say this.  I have almost finished chapter 6 on titles.
IT IS A MESS!!!  All the references to other parts of RDA have to be
checked.  How can there be a 6.30-6-.28?  Our computers will probably go
up in smoke trying to find that reference.  Actually the references in
the music title section to 6.30 is reference to religious works!  There
are some references that are not hot.  And I don't understand the
separation between "recording" and "constructing" titles.  Why can't
those instructions be combined?  Not just in chapter 6, but in other
chapters as well.  And while we are on music titles, I don't understand
why some "forms" are in parentheses and others are separated by either a
full stop, or comma.  


Anyway, while the "plans" may be to have this out in a final form this
year, I sincerely doubt that it will be ready, and some cases even


I am definitely going to hold on to may AACR2 and MARC 21.


The last final review draft reminds of what I did in college: I combine
by notes from the textbook with my notes from the class in English
history.  Well I nailed the essay question, but didn't have enough time
for the short-answer questions.  RDA has to be made more compact to be
useful, in my opinion



Gene Fieg


Claremont School of Theology



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