My intention here was not to get into a flame war.  I spend a good
portion of my day constructing music uniform titles according to AACR2.
I participate in the NACO Music Project and am a believer in cooperative
cataloging.  You will find no bigger advocate for well constructed
access points formulated to defined standards.  So yes, we need explicit
instructions for constructing access points.  But do they necessarily
have to be those instructions in RDA? That was my only point.


What I am trying to get at is that it seems the access point
construction instructions (especially for music access points) probably
don't need to be as specific as they are.  RDA doesn't mandate how
bibliographic data should be constructed or displayed.  It only mandates
that certain elements be recorded.  I was applying this same thinking to
access points. RDA should quite properly mandate that certain elements
appear in the access point.  But maybe it doesn't need to be specific as
to how those elements are constructed.  Mandate that the medium should
appear in the access point.  But do you need to tell me how the
component parts of the medium statement need to be ordered? Or
formatted? Maybe not.


Damian Iseminger



From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin M. Randall
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] RDA comments


I guess I still fail to see why RDA should not be concerned with access
point construction.  RDA is all about--repeat, ALL ABOUT--creating
bibliographic metadata that can be used as widely as possible, with the
primary environment being the library world.  How that goal can possibly
be met without explicit instructions on creation of access points is
just beyond me.  If I'm missing something crucial, please enlighten me. 


Kevin M. Randall

Principal Serials Cataloger

Bibliographic Services Dept.

Northwestern University Library

1970 Campus Drive

Evanston, IL  60208-2300


phone: (847) 491-2939

fax:   (847) 491-4345


From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Damian Iseminger
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] RDA comments


My point, which I inelegantly phrased in the quoted sentence below, is
that perhaps RDA should not be concerned with how the access point is
constructed, but rather that an access point exists.  In a shared
environment, I agree that we do need standards for construction.  I just
think that maybe those standards could be issued by affected groups
instead of being mandated in RDA.  For example, OCLC could say that
access points should be constructed by a certain set of standards in
order to contribute or the PCC would mandate that access points be
constructed in a certain way in order to be a member.  I realize that
maybe RDA has a role to play by recommending best practices for access
point construction, but I don't think it should be the final word.
There are other possibilities out there.


Damian Iseminger

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