J. McRee Elrod <m...@slc.bc.ca> wrote:
> Mark said:
>>A strict reading of the second paragraph of RDA (Number of
>>Subunits - Online Resources) limits the choice of subunit terms (the
>>stuff in the second set of parentheses) to the terms listed under
>> (File Type) and no more.
> But, in the version of RDA which I read, at we were referred
> to for other unit names (aka SMDs) which may be used in
> collation (aka carrier type and extent).

Yes, that's the way it reads now the published (current) version.  My
original response was directed chiefly at the stuff found after RDA's
"1 online resource" (the "subunits"), not the "1 online resource" part

> This would seem to open the door (as does AACR2) to the use of
> "streaming video", as well as "DVD", "Blu-ray", "MP-3", etc. as unit
> names.  "Streaming video" is certainly in common usage.
> So while the terms used *after* unit name may be limited, terms which
> may be used *as* unit names seem not to be.  Has this changed in a
> later draft?

Nope.  See my other response in this thread.  RDA includes its general
(preferred?) instruction (, then allows catalogers to do their
own thing if and as they wish ( regarding the SMD term.  This
must be balanced with other instructions in RDA, such as, in the case
of this thread, the general one for online resources (3.1.5) and the
aforementioned File Type (3.19.2) and whatever else applies.

Mark K. Ehlert                 Minitex
Coordinator                    University of Minnesota
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