
Thank you so much for your quick response.  037$f and 300$a are used for
different purpose.  One is to record the term used by source of acquisition,
and the other is to record the term used by cataloger.

Without revealing the format of the audio files (at least MIME Type ready),
it's hard for to users to launch the appropriate player, e.g. Real player,
iTune, Media Player, etc.

According to OCLC's mapping table for ONIX 2.1, the Code 'AK' is for
'pre-recorded MP3 player.'  That is the code that you are using as well when
you replied to Julie's message.  Therefore, I can't comment on ONIX's change
of “pre-recorded audio player.”  Thanks a million for the discussion!

Sincerely yours,


On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Ed Jones <ejo...@nu.edu> wrote:

> Amanda
> Is the “source of acquisition” field really where you want to put this?
> Your attachment puts it both in 037 $f and in 300 $a. I like the use of
> “other audio carrier” faute de mieux, but ideally one would want something
> that captured the idea of an integrated intermediation tool.
> I think this all points out the need to have a “rapid response” mechanism
> in RDA for dealing with new phenomena. Even an interim “authoritative” label
> would make post-hoc cleanup easier when a more permanent label became
> available. This seems to have happened in ONIX as “pre-recorded MP3 player”
> has given way to “pre-recorded audio player”.
> (I should mention in response to an earlier post that what I meant to say
> was “What I do in my local catalog stays in my local catalog”.)
> Ed
> *From:* Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
> [mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] *On Behalf Of *Amanda Xu
> *Sent:* Friday, April 22, 2011 12:44 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [RDA-L] Cataloging playaways
> Julie and Ed:
> Here is what I would do for cross-mapping between ONIX 2.1 & MARC 21
> considering the fact that 1) what is the easiest way to conversion; 2) much
> of our data are still in AACR2:
> *ONIX Tag*
> *<b012>*
> *<b333>*
> *<b210>*
> *ONIX Reference Name*
> <ProductForm>AK</ProductForm>
> <ProductFormDetail>pre-recorded MP3 player</ProductFormDetail>
> <NumberOfPieces>1</NumberOfPieces>
> *MARC 21 Data Element*
> 037 $f {1 pre-recorded MP3 player}
> For specific mapping that incorporates RDA elements for audio file, and
> downloadable version for podcasts online, please check attachment.  The
> assumption is based on the piece to be cataloged is an spoken audiobook in
> .mp3 format.
> For additional references, please check:
>    1. Library of Congress. Network Development and MARC Standards
>    Office.  "ONIX to MARC 21 Mapping." Retrieved 4/22/2011 from
> http://www.loc.gov/marc/onix2marc.htm<http://www.loc.gov/marc/onix2marc.html>
>    2. "OCLC ONIX-MARC Mapping, ONIX for Books, Release 2.1".  Retrieved
>    4/22/2011 from http://www.editeur.org/96/ONIX-and-MARC21/
> Cheers,
> Amanda Xu
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 7:07 PM, Julie Moore <julie.renee.mo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Ed,
> Are you saying that you would call it a:
> 300     1 pre-recorded MP3 player ?
> Just curious!
> Thanks,
> Julie
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Ed Jones <ejo...@nu.edu> wrote:
> FWIW, ONIX calls it a "pre-recorded MP3 player", which also seems to be the
> name used in the marketplace, if a Google search I just did is any
> indication (1.5 million results as a quoted string). The new "product form"
> was added to ONIX in early 2007. The RDA ONIX framework predates this
> (unless there is a newer version than version 1.0).
> http://www.onixtools.de/downloads/ONIX_Code_Lists_Issue_7_Changes.pdf
> Ed Jones
> --
> Julie Renee Moore
> Catalog Librarian
> California State University, Fresno
> julie.renee.mo...@gmail.com
> 559-278-5813
> "There is more to life than simply increasing its speed." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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