On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Karen Coyle <li...@kcoyle.net> wrote:

> It is a shame that RDA was "completed" without an analysis by library
> system vendors, and without a system requirements study. It is unusual in
> the information technology world to create a data set entirely apart from
> system considerations. There is therefore no guarantee that RDA is
> implementable in a systems sense. I think it would be an excellent idea to
> begin such a study ASAP because it may result that some changes will be
> needed to make implementation possible.
> Karen,

Thank you for your thoughtful comments on this thread.

I completely agree with your last paragraph. It is too bad that RDA was
published without system considerations. So here we are, with our maglev
transport that we're trying to run on wagonways. It's all in the timing.

I am keenly interested in what you, as a non-cataloger, would call this
grouping of "stuff" that I have been calling the African culture kit? (I
catalog stuff like this every day!)

Your message reinforces the idea that we do not look at the "grouping of
stuff" as a whole, but we look at the individual pieces that make up the
whole when we are cataloging using RDA, and we make a 336-8 on each of the
categories. I continue to try to imagine how this is useful to the end user,
regardless of whether or not we actually display the terms in the 336-338
... which I understand to be RDA's answer to the removal of the GMD. How
does the user immediately know that this is a grouping of stuff ... rather
than a book or a sound recording?

I am also trying to understand how this becomes "easier" for the cataloger
who is trying to code this stuff. It might be better to have the 336-8 data
coded into the fixed field as choices.

Best wishes,

Julie Renee Moore
Catalog Librarian
California State University, Fresno

"In the end only kindness matters." -- Jewel

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