Quoting Heidrun Wiesenmüller <wiesenmuel...@hdm-stuttgart.de>:

Predominant and non-predominant would need to be relationships between the expression and the manifestation. It's not a characteristic of the work or the expression.

This may be true for different ways of modeling aggregates. In my model I'd have an aggregate work with two parts; I don't see why it shouldn't be possible to give these parts of works attributes like "main component of aggregate work" or "secondary component of aggregate work" (I admit this would be a new attribute to FRBR, something which could only be applied to aggregate works).

What type of entity would be "part" be? I'm thinking that there is no such entity as "part" but that a work can be a "is part" of another work. Taking into account that the work is a single entity that may be related to any number of expression/manifestations it cannot be "secondary" since that is what it is only in relation to the manifestation being cataloged. Primary and secondary, therefore, have to be relationships.

In a sense, a Work is always whole, even if it is part of another work. If it didn't have "wholeness" it couldn't be a work.

Note that this would not affect the work "Introduction" as such, but only in its role as part of the aggregate work. The supposedly clever thing in my model (it may turn out not be that, of course) is that the "Introduction" is wearing, so to speak, two hats at the same time: One for its role as an individual work and one for its role as a part of the aggregate work. If the introduction were to be published independently later on, this would give you an ordinary FRBR tree of a work (the introduction), an expression, and a non-aggregate manifestation. In my diagram, this would mean another arrow from the node E (W2) to a new manifestation which would only embody this single expression.

Yes, that is how I imagine the graph to "grow." But I guess I'm not sure what the "part" box is in your model -- it appears to be a Work that has the characteristic of being a part of the aggregate. I also note now that your Fig. 3 has an expression that realizes more than one work, which I believe is problematic. It definitely violates the current FRBR model, but then you are advocating for change in that model.

Of course my model might turn out not be feasible at all. It's certainly still at an experimental stage, and new aspects are bound to come up. But up to now I haven't seen an argument in this thread convincing me that I'm on a completely wrong track.

Would the "Work part" have the same properties as the work described on its own?

type: Work
editor: Jones, Jane
work title: Ecology collection
subject: trees
subject: streams

type: Work
author: Smith, John
work title: Essay on trees
subject: trees

type: Work part
part of: W1
author: Smith, John
work title: Essay on trees
subject: trees

Is this what you were thinking of?

I'm not sure what you mean with "title search" here. Do you perhaps mean a title search on manifestation level? That's not what I have in mind. I rather imagine a system like OCLC's FictionFinder (by the way: will that ever go online again?), which at the first step presents not manifestations, but only works.

But I believe it searches on all titles. Otherwise, one would have to know the original language title in order to retrieve the work. Unfortunately Fiction Finder doesn't seem to be running at the moment so I can't check that. The other option is that all manifestation titles would need to be alternate titles in the work.

However, I don't think we can design for a single system structure. Surely some systems will provide a full keyword access on any entities.

Sorry I can't follow your argument any better than this (which has probably not been satisfactory). We must have got our wires crossed somehow.

No, I actually think we're getting very close. It would be useful to have examples, so if you can mock up examples of your ideas I think that would help. Then we can refer to specifics. What I really want is a real time white board for drawing diagrams... this kind of thing is very hard to do in email. (And I greatly appreciate your excellent command of English, as there would be no communication at all without it.)


In the end I think I am agreeing with you that we need a whole/part relationship that connects the contents of manifestations to the manifestation. The current whole/part relationships in FRBR may not be sufficient, or it might be that we aren't clear about how they work in RDA.

Yes, I think it's obvious that we can't do without a whole/part relationship _somewhere_. The question of where is still open to debate, I think. My proposal is to have it neither on manifestation nor on expression level, but modeled as an aggregate work with separate parts.


Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.
Stuttgart Media University
Faculty of Information and Communication
Wolframstrasse 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany

Karen Coyle
kco...@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

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