Thomas said:

>A collection of short stories would get the 650 heading, "Short stories" ...

In our shop, a collection of short stories would have that heading in a
655; only criticism of short stories would have that heading in 650.  
Having it in 650 would exclude it from a genre index.  

Many LCSH needed as genre headings are not yet established in LCGFT,
and until quite recently, that list did not exist.  The subject/genre
distinction has existed much longer, and should be observed.  IMNSHO
many music cataloguers continuing to code music genre headings as 650
(which we were required to do for one client) was a mistake, and will
complicate flipping them to new forms.  The 655 0 vs. 655 7 is
distinction enough between LCSH and LCGFT.

RDA's subject heading section has not yet been written, but I hope the
*is*/*about* distinction will be clear.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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