
I agree - it's not clear. I'm not sure there's anything better than to transcribe the first name and then make a note about any other significant creators that you want to provide access points for. Something along the lines of:

245 / by John Smith [and 15 others]
500 Other significant creators: Robert Jones, Mary Roberts, Bill Hanson.

Adam L. Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195-2900
(206) 543-8409
(206) 685-8782 fax

On Fri, 8 Feb 2013, Heidrun Wiesenmüller wrote:


I think the problem with this solution is that it's not so easy to interpret: The marks of omission certainly show where names have been left out. But it's not so clear how many names there really were in the list on the source of information: What about the omitted names which are indicated by the ellipses - are these included in the "13 others"? Or did the list consist of more than 16 names (i.e. the three transcribed plus the 13 explicitly stated plus an unknown number of names indicated by the ellipses)?

Sorry for the hairsplitting...


Am 07.02.2013 20:56, schrieb Adam L. Schiff:
If the point is to "transcribe" then I don't see how one could accurately transcribe the first, sixth, and fifteenth names without some indication that you've omitting names in between. One could do this perhaps using ellipses:

/ by John Smith ... Robert Jones ... Louise Jefferson [and 13 others].

But since RDA allows you to provide access points for creators and contributors without naming them in the statement of responsibility, I'm not sure that the instruction needs changing. But perhaps the instruction should say always record the first name in each statement and optionally add any other names considered important.

Adam L. Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195-2900
(206) 543-8409
(206) 685-8782 fax

On Thu, 7 Feb 2013, Heidrun Wiesenmüller wrote:

Barbara Tillett wrote:

You are right the rules do not specifically say you can do it, but it is definitely in the spirit of RDA and perhaps you'd like to work with Christine Frodl to propose an adjustment to the way RDA states this? - Barbara

I'll certainly discuss this with Christine Frodl and the other members of the German RDA implementation group, and see whether we can submit a proposal. Personally, I'd be very willing to help make RDA conform to its spirit ;-)

At first glance, perhaps what's needed is really only a slight change in wording. Benjamin has already suggested "omit any but the first of each group of such persons, families, or bodies" instead of "omit all but". Another way might be: "always record the first name of each group of such persons, families, or bodies. Other names may be omitted."

An example according to the lines I suggested yesterday could be added, e.g.:

[contributions by] Madeleine Albright, Franz-Lothar Altmann, Carl Bildt [and 55 others] Source of information lists 58 names in alphabetical order, starting with Madeleine Albright, Franz-Lothar Altmann and Carl Bildt

The tricky thing is what to do if for some reason someone wanted to transcribe not simply the first three, five or ten names, but perhaps especially the ninth and the 16th name in the list (in my example, Carla Del Ponte and Joschka Fischer). Should it then be possible to transcribe the statement in question like this (although the three names are not next to each other in the source of information):

[contributions by] Madeleine Albright, Carla Del Ponte, Joschka Fischer [and 55 others]

Or do we feel it would be necessary to indicate that there are seven other names between Albright and Del Ponte, and another six between Del Ponte and Fischer? This might get awkward...


Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.
Stuttgart Media University
Faculty of Information and Communication
Wolframstr. 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany

Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.
Stuttgart Media University
Faculty of Information and Communication
Wolframstr. 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany

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