Ilikia, I just landed fix for the python crash last night (was a looong
night debugging :)

Pull head again to your clone, run the update deps bat and you should have
it :) It needed a custom PythonQt that I have put into VC9 and VC10 prebuild
deps now, also the sources are there in "sources" branch.

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
Adminotech developer

On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 2:17 PM, ilikia <> wrote:

> Well, at some point I'll have to start committing. I've done it with
> svn, for a real company, albeit only on hourly basis. But I thought
> I'll write some more of them, basically like they used to be in
> Vector3dfDecorator and TransformDecorator, and do some testing first.
> On Aug 2, 2:04 pm, Toni Alatalo <> wrote:
> > On Aug 2, 2011, at 1:29 PM, ilikia wrote:
> >
> > > All right, figured out the metatype thingy. Added this to
> > > TundraWrapper.cpp before my functions:
> > > int id = qRegisterMetaType<float3>("float3");
> > > Now they work.
> >
> > Great!
> >
> > > If you want my code, just tell me where to paste it.
> >
> > If you wanna learn GIT, you can make an account on github, clone the repo
> there, and push your changes to your copy of it.
> >
> > Then you can make a pull request using github's web UI.  And applying it
> to the central repo is just a push of a button. You can also skip that and
> just say where pushed, so we can go take a look and get it over.
> >
> > We can also just give access to the repo, but also for that you need to
> make the account, so basically the same to do the above anyway. Having the
> own copy there is a nice way to test the commands etc. to see what happens
> e.g. when you push.
> >
> > If you don't wanna bother with git now, you can e.g. just mail the code
> to the -dev list or put to somewhere on the web .. or submit a patch to the
> issue tracker (I've sometimes used the file attachment thingie in the google
> code repo, i suppose github has that too).
> >
> > ~Toni
> --


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