Maarten Koopmans wrote:

>Hi Petr,
>I don't want just positive reports, but the thing is that I was pretty sure 
>that it was not Rugby, and well, I am sort of proud of it, so I kind of.... 
>well you read it.
>You are right, I was not nice at least, sorry....
>Did you win with ice hockey ? ;-)
No, we saved our win for the final match ;-)

>I don't get why you have to change things now.
>Rugby/http uses (and always has) rebols standard read, so...
hmm, I will try once again tomorrow. I don't know why is bypass ommited 
if I have "" specified in my user.r file. However - I got one 
error with Rugby today, and the port output showed host number of my 
local IP, but not But I am not 100% sure now, so I will try 
to test tomorrow once again.

>I don't know what is going on. System administration in your company?
>[I know we suffer from that sometimes]
Yes, I know. I was just suprised that I ran four interpreters from the 
same directory, using the same config user.r file.

>httpr simply does open/copy/close, so...
I will try once again tomorrow morning ....

>I don't understand Holger's reply regarding Rugby's architecture. Don't they 
>advertise with the fact that all scripts run the same on all platforms? 
Well, it was not like that. From what I remember Holger was saying 
something like there is no difference in TCP layer inside Rebol, so it 
has to be a) Rugby b) OS. And I think it is definitely OS. W9x has imo 
delayed ACK, and if Rebol is internally sending only one packet at a 
time, OS waits a) till the timeout period runs out b) till the second 
packet arrives .... and only then sends ACK ...

But I can be wrong, so don't draw any conclusion yet ... It would be 
interesting though, if more folks could run proposed Rugby test using 
W9x systems ....



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