Hi Rebolers,

Not much answers to the former invitation, regarding a collective work to create an 
Extensible REBOL Development Framework ;-(     -
Summer must be a thing of the past or is it a sign of time ???

So how about a follow-on to the "naked objects" (http://nakedobjects.org) concept 
introduced here by Andrew a few day ago. To get a
quick and dirty sense of all this - download the draft-book.pdf (Only 104 KB). Seems 
to me it's a Nice approach - return to the
source - but with a new twist this time . Read-on to know more about it !!!

 All or part of this and/or other paradigms (I introduce some others below...) 
could/should be used as a basis ( or simply let them
be our inspiring MUSES !!! if we can't find them any other utility  ;-)))  for helping 
our community to set a DEV FRAMEWORK standard
and may be develop together our own Extensible REBOL Dev Framework (could be dubbed 
the ERF - not really an Elf but very close to
it, isn't it? ;-)))

May be someone could even suggest a bad solution - a first draft in other words - just 
to be enhanced by the other members of this
ML. I would do it but I am surely not qualified enough for this kind of work but I can 
help recrute and support for the job while it
is done. Who else want to be a part time coordinator/and/or collaborator for this task 
and help start this project - nobody has to
start or finish it alone but someone must be in charge for the first draft on which 
we'll work after ??

Just for helping everybody to gear-up with this proposition, here are some more 
related ideas ...

If you want to get some quick look at these other interesting concepts that have been 
applied elsewhere to help developers to
deliver some nice and productive work, and the kind of tools that their producers gave 
to the whole World by letting them fall into
the hands of "Content producers" after the Frameworks were up and running  here are 
some refs :

(Note that most of these products originate from some EDUCATIONAL need! and for the 
most part - the final "components" that are
produced by the programmers are to be used by end-users and they must just PLUG-IN 
together like puzzle parts - this is precisely
the metaphor used by the E-slate team- virtual puzzle pieces are worked with during 
the process of assembling software components

Name of the product or technology (Web link)
E-slate (http://e-slate.cti.gr/Overview.htm)

            Don't miss the sections : Microworlds, Components and Developers

Educational Object economy (alias eoe)

           Look for the ESCOT project description

GOE (http://goe.eoe.org/FMPro?-db=null.fp5&-format=goe/GOE_home.htm&-view)

          Get some look at a toolkit named GOE

Educational Software components of Tomorrow (alias ESCOT)

          The same one I refered above : like a kind of toolbox we can hope to be able 
to develop easier using REBOL and its future
Dev Framework ;-)

SIMCALC (http://tango.mth.umassd.edu/) or   

          The Technology section at  

A list of other tools of interest to EDUCATION aware ppl
is referenced below for your convenience.
It come from the RESOURCES section of the E-SLATE web site :
    Seems like I already saw some of them from my own searching ...
    Some are of great value ! Believe me...
AgentSheets (http://www.agentsheets.com/)

Java Sketchpad (http://forum.swarthmore.edu/dynamic/java_gsp/index.html)

Turtle Tracks (http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~dazuma/turtle/index.html )

Comspec (http://www.oslo.sintef.no/comspec/ )

COLIDE (http://collide.informatik.uni-duisburg.de/ )

Inteligent Pad (http://www.pads.or.jp/english/index.html )

Exploratory project (http://www.pads.or.jp/english/index.html )

Hope it will shake-up some of us - me being the first on the list - whatever TO BE or 
NOT TO BE is done with this DEV Framework
project I am submitting for adoption ;-)


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